The League of Assassins / L0A

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Infiltration

The members of which make up this brotherhood are of the most skilled assassins and experienced combatants in the ‘Verse.
Compatriots of the League are for hire to efficiently deal with your quarrels. For a price. No questions asked.
Those who transgress against us, should tread lightly.


The League Takes To The Skies

Following the disappearance of Ra’s Al Ghul in the 21st Century, the League fell into a great deterioration. It was not until the year 2705, that a bounty hunter and explorer of the name Roran Faurier, of age 89, would discover a Lazarus Pit, using it to restore his youth and thereby bring about a new era of the League.
Roran began rebuilding the long dissipated League, and likewise began to sow seeds of deceit and unease within the rule of the Messers. By the year 2791, the League had extended its membership to that of what it had once been in the era of the Al Ghul’s.
It was now that Roran Faurier, with health faltering as a result of his refusal to use the Pit to further extend his already outstretched life, used the League to enact an undertaking against the Messer family. Using the guild, Faurier subconsciously helped enlivened the spirit of the people towards an already fledgling rebellion against the Messer family, fueled in part by the massacre of Garron II. Within 22 days, the rebellion had successfully captured and subjugated Imperator Messer XI.
Five days after the trade in power, Roran passed away peacefully in his sleep.

Kellar the Mad

As Roran lie in his eternal slumber, the leadership was hence passed down unto his adopted son and apprentice, criminal Dean Kellar.
Kellar had led a childhood consisting of many illegal activities as taught by his father. His rage and hatred caused him to land himself with a prolonged stay in the QuarterDeck detainment center, in the judge’s hope to change Kellar’s ways.
And that it did, Kellar emerged from the QuarterDeck as a professional. Finding his foster father had passed away a day before his release, Kellar took upon the leadership of the League. Yet Kellar’s rage and fervor did not stay repressed for long. After have a “difference of opinion” with a allied smuggling syndicate, Kellar single-handedly disposed of every group member. He began to run rampant, employing League members to take out many varied syndicates.
Left with no other choice, the League hence excommunicated Kellar the Mad, as he began to be called, giving him one day to remove himself from the League before the League themselves would come after him.
Yet the League was never given such a chance. Upon Kellar’s exile, he shot an undercover Advocacy agent dead in a bar, initiating a full scale hunt for him by the law enforcement and civilians alike. Holding out for nearly a day, he incapacitated over 12 ships during his span. Kellar’s Run, as it is famously called, was not ended by a law official or a criminal, but rather by a shot to the chest from a vigilante by the name of Anna Flynn.
Flynn’s actions that day only exacerbated the feud between the League of Assassins & the Vigilantes of the ‘Verse, a rivalry that still lives on to this day.

Current Day

With a lack of leadership in the League, the opportunity presented itself for new leadership to emerge. Psychologist and strategist, Dex Chambers, assumed the position and presented it as a goal of the League to bring about an era of strength and prosperity.
Only time can tell the future of the League of Assassins as it comes along into the new days.


Our Mission

The League of Assassins is to provide efficient and professional services to paying customers, ranging from executions to escorts. League members are to be loyal to the code and provide support to other members of the League.
The League is to be a united community of which the ‘Verse shall learn to regard as a nightmare, and we shall live as legends told around the campfire.
Members will never be required to give their lives nor ships for the sake of the League.
If one transgresses against us, they transgress against the League as a whole.

Unsere Mission

Die Liga der Mörder ist, effiziente und professionelle Dienstleistungen für zahlende Kunden, Escorts von Hinrichtungen bis zu bieten. Liga-Mitglieder sind loyal zu den Code und unterstützen, um andere Mitglieder der Liga.
Die Liga ist es, eine vereinte Gemeinschaft davon sein der ‘ Vers sollen lernen, wie ein Alptraum zu betrachten, und wir werden Leben, als Legenden erzählt am Lagerfeuer.
Wenn man gegen uns überschreitet, überschreiten sie gegen die Liga als Ganzes.


The Assassin’s Code

I. An Assassin Kills With Dignity

As a member of the League, you may still attack other ships outside of contracts.Yet it is against League rules to commit such acts as mass murder, genorcide, or other such undertakings.While our targets may see us as monsters of the ‘Verse, we ourselves do not allow our morals to be that low of standard.

II. Contracts Against the Lives Fellow League Members Shall Not Be Accepted

Here in the League, we wish to have a productive and non-malevolent relationship between all members. Therefore it should be stated that one may not take up any contracts or commit any crimes against fellow members of the League.

III. Assaults Made Against an Assassin Deems the Assailant as an Enemy of the League

If a pilot, citizen, or other sentient lifeform makes any unwarranted assaults upon members of the League, they therefore name themselves an enemy of all League members. Be their attacks be in self-defense, or in retaliation to an ongoing contract against them or their crew, they shall not be held responsible for their advances. If the assault be of a contractual nature, the contractor may be liable to be deemed an enemy.

IV. All Operations and Undertakings in the League’s Name Must First be Declared to the League

As to be properly recorded and to aid and assist member’s needing backup or rescue, the League requires you to simply tell us when you are taking a contract or representing the League in anyway. We asks this of our assassins so that the League shall not be held responsible for private attacks of which may bring about great opposition from other organizations of which we wish to not have quarrels with, and in order to keep a general understanding of where our member are, in case they need assistance.

V. An Assassin Does Not Have to Die for the League

While we greatly impore you to strive to reach your zenith, and your peak of potential in combat. We would rather you live to fight another day, rather than lose your ship, or even your life. If you feel overwhelmed by a contract’s difficulty, feel free to bring along other pilots, ships, or crews to help, or leave the contract to someone else all together. Dead assassins are far less useful than the living.

VI. Assisting Fellow Assassins is a Necessary Obligation

If an assassin calls for help, or is in need of assistance, League members must provide aid to their compatriots, unless it provides a great threat to their own well-being. The League strives to support each other and uphold a helpful presence among fellow members of the League, thereby protecting its members.

VII. An Assassin is Complicit with All Terms of a Contract

We here believe that the customer is always right. Therefore, any specifications by the customer must be followed to the greatest extent or the contract is to be rejected completely. If the customer advocates that an escape pod must be shot down, or that it must remain intact, or has any other specifications, an assassin must comply to them.



If a member of the League is complicit in any transgressions against the Assassin’s Code, then they have transgressed against the League as a whole and shall be exiled from the League. Within one day, they then make themselves available to be pursued by any member of the League.