Legatus Security Solutions / LEGATUSSS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Resources

Freedom comes at a cost of more than lives and credits. It requires commitment, dedication, and a willingness to do what’s unpopular to accomplish what’s right. It must be ready to crush any opposition that threatens it.



I. Origins of the LSS Org

The LSS Org was founded in the aftermath of the fall of the Messer Era, a time of great upheaval for the United Empire of Earth (UEE) when many private military contractors (PMCs) emerged to fill the power vacuum. At this time, the UEE was struggling to maintain control over its territories and protect its citizens from threats both external and internal. As a result, PMCs became increasingly important for maintaining order and protecting vital resources. The LSS Org was among the first of these organizations to emerge, and it quickly established itself as a top-tier PMC and resource-gathering organization.

The organization’s founder, a charismatic leader named REDACTED, was a former UEE military officer who had grown disillusioned with the corruption and bureaucracy of the government. He believed that true freedom could only be achieved through individual action and sacrifice, and he sought to create an organization that embodied those values. With a small group of like-minded individuals, REDACTED began taking on contracts to protect settlements and outposts on the fringes of UEE space.

II. Growth and Expansion of the LSS Org

Over time, the LSS Org’s reputation for getting the job done, no matter the cost, began to spread. It became known for its unwavering discipline, its ruthless efficiency, and its willingness to take on difficult and dangerous missions. The organization gradually expanded its operations to include larger-scale resource extraction and the protection of UEE assets. It built up a formidable fleet of ships and an elite force of soldiers trained to be the best in the business.

The LSS Org’s success was not without its challenges, however. The organization often found itself at odds with other PMCs and pirate groups who were also vying for control of the same resources. There were also concerns about the LSS Org’s methods, which some saw as overly aggressive and dangerous. Despite these challenges, however, the LSS Org continued to grow and expand its influence.

III. Notable Campaigns and Accomplishments of the LSS Org

The LSS Org has led successful campaigns to secure valuable mining assets for UEE corporations in resource-rich systems, often facing stiff resistance from rival PMCs or pirate organizations. It played a key role in the defense of UEE military assets during the Vanduul Wars, earning widespread praise for its bravery and effectiveness in combat. The LSS Org is known for taking on difficult or dangerous missions that other PMCs might shy away from, including rescue operations or strikes against heavily fortified pirate bases.

One of the organization’s most notable campaigns was the Battle of Davien, a multi-day engagement against a coalition of pirate groups that had taken control of a vital jump point in the Davien system. Despite overwhelming odds, the LSS Org was able to successfully repel the pirates and secure the jump point for the UEE. The battle became legendary within the organization and cemented the LSS Org’s reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

IV. Current Status of the LSS Org

Today, the LSS Org remains a premier PMC and resource-gathering organization, with a reputation for unmatched expertise and a willingness to take on any challenge. It maintains close ties with some of the UEE’s most powerful corporations but is not beholden to any single entity or interest. The organization prides itself on its independence and its commitment to its founding principles of freedom and the pursuit of what is right, even if it means crushing opposition or taking unpopular actions.

V. Future Goals of the LSS Org

The LSS Org’s future goals are focused on continuing to provide top-tier PMC services and resource gathering operations. The organization aims to expand its operations even further, seeking to establish a presence in more systems and to secure new sources of valuable resources. The LSS Org also aims to maintain its reputation for taking on difficult and dangerous missions, and to continue building its fleet and training its soldiers to be the best in the business. Additionally, the organization is committed to maintaining its independence and avoiding becoming tied down to any single entity or interest. Overall, the LSS Org is driven by a desire to provide its clients with the best possible service and to uphold its founding principles of freedom and individual action.



In alliance with the MCG Conglomerate

The LSS organization was founded on a simple but powerful belief: that freedom comes at a cost. This means being committed, dedicated, and willing to do what’s unpopular to accomplish what’s right. We believe that in order to achieve true freedom, we must be willing to crush any opposition that threatens it.

We are a premier private military contractor and resource gathering organization that has established a strong reputation for getting the job done, no matter the cost. Our soldiers are the best of the best, trained to be ruthless and unforgiving in the pursuit of our clients’ goals. Through our unwavering discipline and successful missions, we have built up a formidable fleet of ships and an elite force of soldiers that is unmatched in expertise and effectiveness.

At the heart of our organization is a deep-seated commitment to the principles of freedom and justice. We believe that these ideals are worth fighting for, and we are willing to take on any challenge to defend them. We are not beholden to any single entity or interest, but are committed to doing what is right, even if it means taking unpopular actions.

Our primary mission is to provide security and protection to our clients and the interests they represent. Whether it’s protecting valuable mining assets or defending UEE military assets during times of war, we are always ready to take on the toughest missions. We are known for taking on difficult or dangerous missions that other private military contractors might shy away from, including rescue operations or strikes against heavily fortified pirate bases.

We are a force to be reckoned with, and we will not hesitate to use our expertise and firepower to defend our clients and their interests. We have established strong connections with some of the UEE’s biggest megacorporations, further cementing our status as a premier private military contractor.

At the same time, we recognize that our actions have consequences, and we take our responsibility to act with integrity and respect very seriously. We are committed to ensuring that our operations are conducted in a way that is consistent with our principles of freedom and justice, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical behavior.

In everything we do, we strive to be the best. We are constantly pushing ourselves to be better, to be more effective, and to achieve even greater levels of success. We are driven by a deep sense of purpose and a belief in the importance of the work that we do. We are the LSS organization, and we are committed to defending freedom and justice, no matter the cost.



All LSS personnel must uphold the regulations set forth by LSS command and Mandated by MCG charter authority

For more information on LSS and MCG Law please direct any inquiry to LSS official Discord server: https://discord.gg/kTZ6gJarVt

The LSS organization is founded on the principles of freedom, justice, and the pursuit of what is right. As a private military contractor, we strive to provide the highest level of security, protection, and resource gathering services to our clients. We are committed to upholding the values of the United Empire of Earth and to contributing to the betterment of humanity.

Article I: Name and Purpose
Section 1. Name: The name of the organization shall be LSS (Legatus Security Solutions).
Section 2. Purpose: The purpose of LSS shall be to provide security and protection services to individuals, organizations, and the United Empire of Earth, as well as to engage in resource gathering operations and contribute to the betterment of humanity.

Article II: Membership
Section 1. Qualifications: Membership in LSS shall be open to any individual who demonstrates a commitment to the organization’s values and is willing to undergo the necessary training and screening processes.
Section 2. Rights and Responsibilities: Members shall have the right to participate in the organization’s operations and decision-making processes, as well as the responsibility to uphold its values and adhere to its code of conduct.
Section 3. Membership is not guaranteed and may be revoked at any time by the Board of Admiralty for any reason deemed necessary to protect the interests of the LSS Org.
Section 4. Members are expected to adhere to the LSS Org’s code of conduct, maintain high standards of professionalism and integrity, and act in the best interests of the organization at all times.
Section 5. Members are encouraged to actively participate in the activities and operations of the LSS Org, and to contribute their skills and expertise to further its goals.
Section 6. Members may be called upon to serve in various roles within the LSS Org, including but not limited to leadership positions, operational roles, and support roles.

Article III: Governance
Section 1. Structure: The organization shall be governed by a Board of Admiralty, which shall be composed of members who have demonstrated a high level of commitment and expertise in the organization’s operations.
Section 2. Powers and Duties: The Board of Admiralty shall have the power to make decisions regarding the organization’s operations, including the allocation of resources, the approval of new members, and the development of new projects and initiatives.
Section 3. Meetings: The Board of Admiralty shall hold regular meetings to discuss the organization’s operations and to make decisions regarding its direction and future.

Article IV: Finances
Section 1. Funding: LSS shall be funded through a combination of fees from its clients and donations from its members and supporters.
Section 2. Financial Management: The Board of Admiralty shall be responsible for the management of the organization’s finances, including the development of a budget and the oversight of its expenditures.
Section 3. Transparency: The organization shall maintain transparency regarding its finances, including regular reports on its income and expenditures.

Article V: Code of Conduct
Section 1. Principles: Members of LSS shall adhere to the following principles in their conduct:
(a) Honesty and integrity in all interactions with clients and fellow members;
(b) Respect for the rights and dignity of all individuals;
© Commitment to the organization’s values and mission;
(d) Accountability for one’s actions and decisions.
Section 2. Prohibitions: Members shall not engage in the following activities:
(a) Discrimination or harassment of any kind;
(b) Use of excessive force or violence except in cases of self-defense or defense of others;
© Violation of the laws and regulations of the United Empire of Earth or any other governing authority.

Article VI: Amendments
Section 1. Proposal: Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any member of the organization and shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for consideration.
Section 2. Approval: Amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Admiralty and shall take effect immediately upon approval.

The LSS organization is founded on the principles of freedom, justice, and the pursuit of what is right. We are committed to providing the highest level of security and protection services to our clients, while upholding the values of the United Empire of Earth and contributing to the betterment of humanity. We are governed by a Board of Admiralty who are dedicated to the organization’s mission and values, and who strive to ensure that LSS continues to operate with the utmost integrity and professionalism.

Through our history of successful campaigns and accomplishments, we have earned a reputation as one of the most elite private military contractors and resource gathering organizations in the galaxy. Our focus on discipline, loyalty, and determination have allowed us to overcome even the toughest challenges, and to emerge victorious in the face of adversity.

As we continue to grow and expand our operations, we remain committed to maintaining our core values and principles. We will continue to provide the highest level of service to our clients, and to uphold the ideals of the United Empire of Earth. We will remain steadfast in our pursuit of what is right, and will always be ready to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

We invite all those who share our values and beliefs to join us in our mission. Together, we can create a better future for all of humanity, one where freedom and justice reign supreme.