Leirian Republic / LEIR

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  • Social

Welcome to the Leirian Republic a nation built by you so join the Republic today and live free tomorrow

“Discord Link(Discord)”: https://discord.gg/wwpbw22fWF


Leirian Revolutionary War 2788-Ongoing
The Leir System was discovered in 2677 and was largely left unclaimed by the UEE until in 2743 Galor Messer IX opened a floodgate of resources and support in a bid to claim the vast resources of Leir. For 209 years the Leirian Empire has ruled the Leir System under Imperial rule and received support from the Imperial UEE resulting in a mass exodus of the lower-class citizens who escaped from the tyranny and oppression to form the Leirian Republic in 2776, upon learning of the Republic’s existence in 2788, the Leirian Empire would seek to re-integrate the Republic back into the Empire resulting in a 165 year War for Independence. Hope seemed promising since the end of the Messer Era in 2792 when a revolution took place on Earth resulting in the end of an autocratic UEE, this resulted in the Leirian Empire no longer receiving support from an Imperial UEE, which has given a glimmer of hope to the free men and women of the Leirian Republic who still continue their fight for independence from autocratic rule and the right to govern themselves.


The Leirian Republic was founded on July 13th in 2776, upon learning of the Republic’s existence in 2788 the Leirian Empire would seek to re-integrate the Republic back into the Empire resulting in a 163 year War for Independence. The Republic values individual rights, including freedom of speech, expression, and assembly, and strives to create a society that respects and protects the rights of all its citizens. The Leirian Republic values peace and diplomacy, seeking to resolve conflicts through dialogue and negotiation. However, it remains prepared to defend itself against threats and protects its citizens when necessary. The Republic’s military forces are guided by democratic principles and operate with a focus on safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty and welfare of its people. Overall, the Leirian Republic represents a society that cherishes democratic values, individual freedoms, and equal opportunities.


The Leirian Republic values peace and diplomacy, seeking to resolve conflicts through dialogue and negotiation. However, it remains prepared to defend itself against threats and protects its citizens when necessary. The Republic’s military forces are guided by democratic principles and operate with a focus on safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty and welfare of its people. Overall, the Leirian Republic represents a society that cherishes democratic values, individual freedoms, and equal opportunities.

Law 1: The Leirian Republic is an Org for all citizens of the verse with very minor limitations. All members are allowed to multi-org with the exceptions of the following.
Running/holding Government positions
Ascending through military ranks past E7

Law 2. Citizens of the Republic are forbidden from engaging in any pirate activity against members of the republic or Orgs allied/Treaties with the republic

Law 3. No Racism, Sexism, Gender discriminatory or IRL politics
Failure to comply is a Bannable offense, case by case basis. Follow discord/Star citizen TOS

Law 4. Your discord name should reflect your in-game star citizen name at all times.

Law 5. Multi Org members
Multi Org gameplay is prohibited for ALL members of Government or Military Officers (subject to review/change in the later stages of the game)
Members not a part of the government or military officer status are allowed to multi org however are prohibited from running in elections or ascending in Rank past E-7.
Members who are Multi-Orging are encouraged not to undergo building/claiming plots of land within the Republic for personal use. (May assist in public org construction projects.) Any multi org member owning land will be solely responsible for its own prosperity/defense. The government holds no liability.
Multi org members must be made known to Org leadership
Failure to comply with Multi-Org rules can result in probation or removal from the Org on a case by case basis through the supreme court

Law 6. Under no Circumstances should an Org member attack another Org or player especially if an alliance or treaty has been formed with that party unless it is self defense or hostile action/war is declared between the other party. (If needed evidence will be asked for so please try to record any PvP conducted)

Law 7. Any member found conducting espionage or sabotaging the Org in any way as well as violating the constitution can and will be banned by administrative power or through supreme court processing.

Law 8. When members of the Government take part of the Armed forces their Rank/authority in the current operation is dictated by the Rank held in the Military over the Government with the exception of the President. All other officials will carry the authority of the Rank they hold in the Military until the end of the operation I.E. Congress, senate and Supreme Court will be treated as E1-E9 or officers as their military career stands.

Law 9: Members of the Republic may create private businesses within the Org with approval of the government (Leirian Private Buisiness). All businesses will follow guidelines set forth by the Leirian Government or have their official status revoked.