Merran Mercantile and Marketing / LFM

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Safety is a lie,there is only risk management.The universe is vast,full of resources.Space flight advancements allow us to reach new horizons, strengthen the old, and broaden views. Stability brings growth,peace,and the future.With stability commerce can flourish,no shortcuts. This we manage.



* YOUR MAKING IT!* Earth History:

Est. May 01 2013 : founder , Regis Tinel

May 08 2013 : original L.F.M. site is established

January 22 2014 : the Org site is release on RSI, bringing about a shutdown of the original site.

Janurary 30 2014 : began testing for voice-com through Razer ( currently invite only )

Febuary 25 2014 : Final testing of Razer begins

March 05 2014 : Razer voice communication is approved

April 07 2014: L.F.M. enters hibernation mode

Nov 03 2016: L.F.M. begins to exit hibernation.

Nov 08 2016: transitioning to discord voip until sprectrum is released.

Sep 14 2017: begin internal rework into M.M.M.

Dec 03 2021: All Internal Reworks Entering Final Stages. Begin of Operations.


Forum Message list :

Steam updater :

Merran Mercantile and Marketing is:

A lawful shipping corporation.

We bring stability to global markets by moving goods and resources to where they are needed.

We support stability by offering security services to those who need it. Our kind of commerce flourishes best with peace.

We do not support war, or conflict and are welcome to assist in brokering peaceful solutions as a third party.

Merran Merchant Marines are:

Our security force that we offer to help assist others.

While we may do our best to secure peace, the reality is that conflict will happen. To be ready for that we will defend those who seek out our services.

They operate with both space and ground divisions.

They are also trained to deescalate if possible.


Welcome to Merran Mercantile and Marketing

  • About us:

Merran Mercantile and Marketing is a law abiding organization that promotes the safe transit of goods and supplies through freight transport. To ensure the security of our shipping lanes have our own security forces that are divided into branches that protect our goods both in space and on the ground. We offer the services of our security forces to provide a more secure atmosphere where dialogue is our weapon of choice. If that should fail however more traditional measures will be in place to hopefully deter or repel an attacker. Trade allows the strength of many people to come together and perform tasks that on their own would be useless, we seek to be one of the pillars that supports the foundation of trade and open dialogue to progress.

  1. Timezones MMM operates on the old Solar timeframes between The NA region and Europe, However we will not turn away a applicant if he/she is from outside these regions. there just needs to be a way for us to understand each other. :International Friendly.
  1. Membership : we accept all range of ages, you will need to go through a training process that will occur onsite. Questions at any time are welcome. If you can either go down the road of our shipping fleet , be a member of our security forces. These two groups have both combat and non-combatant positions. How you develop is up to you.
  1. Language. MMM uses the english language , as we trade with our intergalactic neighbors, interpreters may be needed.
  • How active are our members?:
    We expect consistent involvement from our members, the exact time frame of course is up to you, if you expect to be unable to commit a certain amount of time, discuss it with a senior member so that we are aware. Life events happen and sometimes we just need a break, If your equipment prevents you from involving yourself at this time don’t worry, we won’t expect the impossible from you at your expense. Take however much time is needed to tend to your issues before you join us. If you have these issues in the beginning and are simply a member on paper until you can sort your matters, that is also fine. Once you do have your matters tended to inform us and we can get you started.

guild activity descriptions and branches

disclaimer: each branch has support personnel of noncombatants.

Merran Mercantile and Marketing.

Our shipping operations: they seek to distribute needed goods to where they are needed. Life here may start with you being a ship hand and training in understanding of economics , but eventually you can branch out into the other two branches or continue till you are a ship captain and beyond.

Merrans Merchant Mariners.

The mariners are our response and tool of deterrence to trouble in space. They will start out either escorting our own convoys or protect those we have accepted to. You can find yourself in craft varying from gunships, to high performance fighters and bombers. You will find yourself working up a piloting position after you go back for additional training with the Mariners. Eventual command and control positions to facilitate the operations will open up to you as you come to understand your work.

Merran Merchant Marines.

The Merchant Marines are the ground pounders of our security front. They police and ensure the security of wherever they go for assignment. They are the go to for civilians to discuss a problems or ask questions and will need to be familiar with the location where they are operating, having that information will fall to the intelligence members of the marines that get the assignment. Marines are to be trained in combat ,policing, and de escalation of conflicts. The idea is to keep the peace.

Disclaimer after you finish you are promoted beyond trainee you may apply for assignments in whichever branch of your choosing.


Everyone starts out as a trainee, works their way up to mariner, then can work in marketing, continue as a mariner, or decide to become a merchant marine. Varying levels of seniority will apply, but this is divided into three primary levels. EX. Trainee-Mariner-Senior Mariner.

These three levels do not indicate what your job may be. Mariner and Senior Mariner are exchangeable terms for Marine or Marketer with their own levels of senior. It only indicates which branch you a assigned to.

Standards of Conduct the following are what we call our “Common Sense” principles and set the base for everything else in the entire community: Have an open mind. While most know their boundaries and ability, they lack the ability to accept that someone might be able to offer something better in terms of ideas or strategy than they have. We are not asking to change anything from what you hear, but we are asking you at least give respect and listen. The best strategies and plans usually come from the most uncommon places and people. Understand people on the community roster come from varied backgrounds. Be able to accept criticism.
  • Understand that your point of view is not the only point of view on Earth.
  • Offer examples to help explain your position or point in a discussion.
  • Members of M.M.M. cannot be a member of any other guild that has a branch of their guild in any game we play. Membership in another guild, in games we do not play, is permitted with some circumstances assuming that you are still representing our values.( There will be a re voting on this)
  • It is not permitted to relay any information outside the guild, for any reason, at any time. M.M.M. is a private gaming organization. We do not share information with the public except through official channels and officially sanctioned outlets. Therefore no member should share any information, no matter how minor they may think it is, outside the guild.
  • Actively participate in events and progressive content in the titles we participate in, and teach others to do the same. You may heard it before, “We were all noobs once.” This holds true for most new games we launch with. Members come from many types of games. Some have never played an MMO/Shooter in their life, but have the drive that will allow them to surpass most of their peers easily. If someone is honestly trying to learn, and is being respectful of your time, they deserve all the help they can get. You never know what kind of friends you’ll be making down the road by giving just a few answers or tips. Here are some things you can do:
  • If you are not currently doing an important event, offer a hand to help.
  • Offer advice in a friendly manner when you see the chance.
  • Leadership roles in M.M.M. are decided based on demonstrated ability as well as the need for a leader in a particular spot. We also actively encourage volunteers to step up to prove worth. You can be assured that leadership is working hard to make the game more fun for you, while providing the resources and organization to excel. While the reason behind every decision may not always be apparent at the moment an order is issued, all orders from leadership need to be immediately followed. If errors are made, they should be reported through proper channels where they will be dealt with and, if needed, changes made to the leadership team.
    We want to foster open and honest communication by our members. If at any time you feel that you could not speak up or felt uncomfortable due to interaction with another member we ask that you first talk to that member. If you have a general complaint, offer a solution. Simply complaining for the sake of complaining will do nothing but annoy if not anger those listening. If you don’t have a solution that is fine, but be open to discussing the solution rather than complaining and signing off or ignoring the response. If you want to be taken seriously, give the respect of discussing the solution as they did listening to your problem.
  • We are a Team. Positive gameplay is expected No amount of raid wipes, ganking, or anything else can hurt the community more long term than negativity. Expressing concerns is fine (actually more than fine—it’s appreciated), but keep a positive tone. Some things to remember that may help you keep positive:
  • Getting enraged is the biggest downfall of anyone’s character. Avoid lashing out in frustration.
  • Do not immediately blame individuals for their alleged incompetence without proper review of the incidents at hand.
  • Generally, the idea is “don’t jump the gun”. You just may have been the problem.
    Members who cannot follow core rules and standards, are removed from the guild that they are participating in, and the community as a whole.
Maintaining our ‘Drama-free’ Environment Due to the broad range of topics that can and will be covered by these actions, this charter does not specify specific actions for specific situations. Instead, each situation will be evaluated separately, and actions will be made based on the circumstances of the situation.

Members may or may not be made aware of a disciplinary action when it is taken at the time, but most will be advised of the disciplinary action at some point. Due to the extreme nature of disciplinary actions and the no-drama policy, action will often occur first before explanation.

Community leadership have the leeway to use a broad range of disciplinary actions including but not limited to:
  • Moderation and deletion of forum posts.
  • Temporary (suspension) or permanent (banning) of community or guild members from the forums and/or Razer server.
  • Suspension or removal of guild membership.
    Anything unmentioned is generally considered to be common sense. The above only deals with the most common issues and identifies the structure of the guild. While we have a strong history in involving our member base to resolve issues via vote, in all circumstances the community leadership has the final say on all issues.