Lotus Squadron / LISE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Lotus Squadron! We’re a small group of closely knit friends that enjoy patrolling the ‘Verse together! For invitation options, meet with some of the members.


The Lotus Squadron is a recently founded small group of friends from all over the ‘Verse, and while the organization itself is primarily for exploration, its members are still independent individuals who can perform all manner of jobs. Lotus was founded with the purpose of giving the members a simple way to meet, receive, and complete jobs: together or apart.


The Lotus Interstellar Squadron of Explorers is a small group of individuals, and while those individuals may share goals they do not always share methods. As a result, Lotus itself has no particular goal other than uniting the individuals that compose it, and its goals and views may change based on those of the members.


Members of Lotus Squad should obey a simple honor code:

1. Members should under no circumstance attack or harm other members intentionally.
2. A member should try to the best of their ability to rescue other members in danger.
3. Members should not attack other Citizens or Civilians without reason.
4. Honesty is a virtue, especially among friends.