Liberty or Death Inc. / LOD1776

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Liberty or Death (LoD) is a subcontract corporation dealing in all professions. Jack of all trades, master of none. From security, and bounty hunting. To salvaging, mining, medical, and cargo hauling. LoD does it all! The focus is employee freedoms to explore the divisions and find a purpose!


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our goal here at Liberty or Death is to provide a service to the community, an organization that can fill in for all roles and most of all, be a fun and rewarding place for our employee’s. A place where friends can meet and work together under one banner. We see every idea an opportunity and will work to achieve the goals of those ideas.

Everyone will have a voice in this corporation, being able to submit questions or complaints to the board of directors for the monthly meeting.

Discord link:


Liberty or Death Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Citizens of the UEE and outside are welcome!

LoD Rules and Regulations violations will result in termination:

~No hacking, cheating or griefing

~ No Doxxing, slander or gaslighting… be honorable!

~No Racist content of any type what so ever.

These are the main rules to live by, come have fun. Promotion is based on participation!