League of Explorers / LOEX

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

The League of Explorers is a group of individuals driven by wanderlust to see whats on the far side of those Nebulae. Members of the League are here to enjoy each others company as we explore the vast expanses of space.


Toward the end of 2938 Rear Admiral Orban Shaedos retired from the UEE Navy, marking the end of a career which spanned more than fifty years of exemplary service. A specialist in reconnaissance and exploration, Shaedos spent much of his career mapping the borders of UEE space, as well as providing detailed information on the Vanduul incursions. After his promotion to Rear Admiral in 2933 he was stationed in Stanton, and decided he had found his home. He relocated his wife and younger children and continued to devote much of his time to serving the navy from behind a desk. Over the following years, the majority of the resources assigned to the exploration and reconnaissance arm of the navy were pulled for more defensive operations against the Vanduul and various pirate groups. After a great deal of soul searching, Rear Admiral Shaedos came to the decision that a civilian organization dedicated to exploration was the only viable answer to the problem. Thus he announced his retirement, and began planning. Orban Shaedos formed the League of Explorers; a civilian exploratory service, composed of family members and other pilots and servicemen drawn from his contacts formed during his decades of naval service. Retaining solid ties to the navy, the League of Explorers took much of the burden of exploration from the navy, freeing active duty naval personnel to be assigned to more critical deployments. Although the primary function of the League is exploration and reconnaissance, it also regularly aids in disaster relief, providing delivery of vital foods and medicine, emergency rescue transport, and other services. It was in 2942 during one such disaster that tragedy struck the league. On Ferron II, a mining outpost began to have problems with its power core, and called for aid evacuating its workers until the core could be repaired. The League of Explorers were among those who responded to the distress call. During rescue operations the power core went critical and exploded, destroying the outpost, thirty four rescue ships, and killing all but three members of the League roster, including it’s founder. In November 2942 Kinf Shaedos, oldest surviving son of Orban Shaedos took over leadership of the League of Explorers. Having followed in his father’s footsteps in the UEE navy, Kinf is also a specialist in reconnaissance and exploration, and had often discussed with his father the long range plans and goals for the league. While still on active Duty, he often relies on his wife, as co-leader, to run the league, along with his daughter Krysala (callsign “TidTakeren”) and son (name is withheld due to security concerns).


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