The Gambit Smuggling Syndicate / LONTROLL

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Smuggling
  • Exploration

The Gambit smuggles your hard earned cargo no questions asked. We are the Shadow. We are the Gambit. Don’t f**k with us.

Open positions in Cell #2!!! Apply now to earn the rank of Captain!!
Open positions in Cell #3!!! Apply now to earn the rank of Captain!!


>>0.1 55332.e
>begin_spectrum_comm -e -v -desig LONTROL

org news:

———We’re putting out the call for able bodied pilots to join our Cell #2!! Join up now and get promoted to Captain from Pilot immediately!! Captains get a bigger cut per job than pilots. Hurry!———
*Citizen years1hundred, creator “Imagine” trailer releases next video in “Star Citizen Careers” series. SMUGGLER

Our Story

The Gambit began its life smuggling rare items. Their increasingly large takes had nothing to do with luck. Each job was planned and executed to perfection. Nothing was too small for the Gambit to find and no one too dangerous to scare them off from a job.

The syndicate started to grow a few years back. It had become a serious name in smuggling on Terra. Increased membership and a string of good jobs pushed the Gambit further into space. With new found manpower and muscle, the Gambit was able to consolidate power into a central Council of the highest ranking officers of the Gambit and establish itself among the mid sized crime rings of the ‘verse.

The Gambit become a powerhouse of smuggling across the UEE, capable of getting stolen goods from one corner of the ‘verse to another. The image of a Rose became synonymous with power and violence. It struck fear into the hearts of all. Anyone who stood in the way of the Gambit went home in a body bag, or not at all.

Today, the Gambit Smuggling Syndicate is based on the orbital cities above Ergo, the waterworld of the Nemo system. From Ergo, the Council coordinates smuggling runs, assassinations, extortion and protection rackets and other criminal activities. The Gambit also runs several front businesses to generate profit and serve as a fallback in the case of organizational collapse. The UEE Advocacy has been trying for several years to shut the syndicate down, but has not been able to pin charges on leadership due to the modular nature of the syndicate.


>>0.1 55332.e
>begin_spectrum_comm -e -v -desig LONTROL

org news:

———We’re putting out the call for able bodied pilots to join our Cell #2!! Join up now and get promoted to Captain from Pilot immediately!! Captains get a bigger cut per job than pilots. Hurry!———
*Citizen years1hundred, creator “Imagine” trailer releases next video in “Star Citizen Careers” series. SMUGGLER

What are We?

The Gambit can be anything it wants to be.. We don’t have laws and we don’t make you do sh** you don’t want to do. We fly in cells. A cell’s got 5-10 members, all free pilots and captains plus a lieutenant to keep folks on track. So.. what do we do? Well, we’re smugglers by trade. We smuggle things around the ‘verse and all the baggage that comes with that.

Smuggling – Getting stolen, illegal or otherwise clandestine goods from one place to another without hostiles finding out about it.

Narco-ops – We manufacture and distribute drugs. Doesn’t matter how cheap or high-class, if it gets you high, we sell it.

Salvaging – Finding old ships and stripping them of anything useful, then selling the parts or using the parts to upgrade our fleet. We might hover around after battles and see what we can scrounge up.

Piracy – We’re not pirates. We’re not griefers. If you want to shoot up helpless ships, do it on your own time

These three main focuses are low risk and high payoff. We try to avoid a straight fight when we can, but if it comes down to it, we’ll be ready. Don’t piss us off. We can do other jobs as the need arises. And no slave trade. We kill slavers on sight.

Our pay is simple. The more you do for the Syndicate, the higher up you will go and the more cash you’ll pull in per job. Pilots and captains are the back bone of the cells. They’re the bread and butter of the Gambit. Every cell’s got a lieutenant and every region of space has a region-lead who runs the show. Anybody can be anything. Everybody can be everything. We are the shadow. We are the Gambit.

How do we Work? Glad you asked.

Just a quick disclamer here. This is a work in progress. What we do and how we do will change and evolve. We’re like that. Anyway, enjoy.


The Gambit is made up of many cells. Each cell acts independently of the main organization and has little contact with leadership. Members of a cell are free to pursue their own interests throughout the galaxy and are free to work their own jobs.

Each cell can be called on at any time by leadership to pull a job. The cell leader: the lieutenant will be contacted by the folks upstairs. He will then relay the job details to his cell and fly the job personally.

The core of each cell are pilots and captains. Almost everyone starts as a pilot. After a while, they get promoted to Captain. There’s no formula, its just when the rest of the cell feels its time. Captains who don’t pull their weight however, can always be knocked back down to pilot. Cell members who betray the Gambit are met with swift and terrible vengeance. Traitors are forever known as an Enemy of the Gambit. Enemies are hunted down and killed. Forever.


Galactic strategy is determined by the Council, possibly based on Nemo. The Council is made up of, the four ranking leaders of the Gambit. They develop wide sweeping strategies and generally make sure everyone in the Gambit is happy and doing well.

Sometimes if one region of the ‘verse needs some extra love, the Council can name a region-lead to that sector. The region-lead’s job is to manage a particular busy or important sector that the Council wants to focus on.

Smuggling Booty:

Gambit jobs always have some strategic value. Whether that be manipulating economies, destroying rivals or simply filling out the coffers. These jobs are for the greater good of the organization, so a larger percentage of each member’s take is skimmed off the top.

What Gambit members do on private missions is their own business but on Gambit jobs, if there is loot it is split evenly. However there is a Gambit tax on the loot. Higher ranking officers get to keep a larger portion of their takes than lower ranking pilots and recruits. This provides incentive to move up in the ranks. Some jobs however have no loot. For instance, an attack on a rival space station might not return a monetary value to the individual members of a cell. In cases like this, the Gambit might pay some cash to each cell member involved. Higher ranking members get more pay, again, to provide incentive to participate on jobs and move up in the ranks.

What do you get out of it?

There are several benefits to being a member of the Gambit. One is protection. If a member is under attack, he can call his cell mates to back him up. If a member has a beef with another citizen, the Gambit is there to provide support. Personal interactions like this are not overseen by the Gambit leadership. This is a simple case of friends helping friends. Whether or not a cell chooses to help one another is up to them, but the Gambit encourages it.

Another benefit is the fleet of starships the Gambit maintains that can be loaned out to members in case of emergency. Much of the money collected from Gambit jobs and private jobs goes to this. The ships are stored in Gabit owned hangars across the ‘verse. If a member needs a particular ship for a private job, they can loan a ship out from a local hangar for no charge, however, they must pay for damages. These ships can also be used on Gambit jobs if members’ personal ships are not adequate for the mission.

===Slavers be warned. You are dead on sight. No questioned asked. We will hunt you down. You will drown in your own blood. Expect us.===

>>endstream -a


>>0.1 55332.e
>begin_spectrum_comm -e -v -desig LONTROL

org news:

———We’re putting out the call for able bodied pilots to join our Cell #2!! Join up now and get promoted to Captain from Pilot immediately!! Captains get a bigger cut per job than pilots. Hurry!———
*Citizen years1hundred, creator “Imagine” trailer releases next video in “Star Citizen Careers” series. SMUGGLER

As far as a code of conduct for our cells goes, it’s this: don’t be a slaver. Everything else is more or less fine. We don’t condone pirating (its kind of a dick move) but what you do in your free time is on you. On Gambit jobs though, you work with your cell and you make sure you get the job done and everyone gets out alive. Pretty simple code of conduct. yeah?

We’re smugglers, not pirates. We’re not going around taking other people’s stuff. If other people try and steal our s**t, we will tear them in half and paint the streets of Prime with their blood. So as long as folks don’t steal from us, we’re all friends.

Slavers be warned. You are not safe. You will never be safe. We do not forgive. We do not forget. The Undertaker is coming for you. The Gambit is waiting in the shadows. You will die, again and again and again. Expect us.

>>endstream -a -v_closesocket