Lorville Production and Construction Corps / LPCC

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

“We lick feet, we suck dick!”


The Lorville Production and Construction Corps, also known as LPCC, is an economic and paramilitary organization owned by human weapons manufacturer and materials processor Hurston Dynamics, located in planet Hurston’s largest landing zone – Lorville.

In its history, the LPCC has built farms, towns, and cities, provided land and employment to disbanded military units, and re-settled Xi’an migrants from other parts of Stanton system in what has been called a campaign of assimilation. It operates prisons and publicly traded companies.


1. Never suck clean feet.
2. First the kiss, then the cum.
3. Never disrespect the lone sitting wolf.
4. It is okay for white people to marry black people.
5. Be friendly to broccolis in hot tubs.
5. Never trust any cigar smoking astronaut monkey in space.


The Ancient Executive Presidential Primal Chairman Conqueror – The Lone Sitting Wolf