Lucky 13 / LUCKY13

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Click here for Discord link. Make sure to share cat pictures

Allied With Those With The Most Clout



2944-01-22 – This organization was founded by 2 friends Flagstaff and RlN

2947-03-22 – Organization page undergoes major modifications to facilitate in beginning the recruitment process.

2947-08-04 – We are actively recruiting / looking for prospective members, however there is a vetting process. We don’t take just any stray in off the streetz. Regulators!!! Mount up.


Our goal is simple, make money where we can and have fun doing it. our primary focus is “guns for hire” but we Intend to explore everything that Star Citizen has to offer as a supportive group. This means that if you want to do something, you will have the backing of Lucky 13 with you, as long as that something you want to do involves / funds combat related activities.

Will we mine? Probably. But we will hate every minute of it.

Will we run cargo? Yes…The corpses of our enemies.

Will we meta-game? You bet your furry butt we’ll meta-game. -SUPER SECRET ESPIONAGE!! Oh crap…cat’s out the bag. Just kidding…I think.

Will we crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of the spade and neutered? Yes. In fact…That’s our primary mission.

Will we gently ask for permission to engage in consensual fisticuffs like true gentlemen? Yes….and No.

Depends. Well…


We won’t.


See for yourself:

Lucky 13: War Declaration Combat Footage
Lucky 13: “Rescue” Operation
Lucky 13: Daymar Attack!.
Lucky 13: Piracy Over Levski
Lucky 13: Walk The Plank!
Lucky 13: Combat Footage
Lucky 13: Witness The Mystic Powers Of Rin’s Mystical…Powers…..
Lucky 13: Guns For Hire
Lucky 13: Escort Operation
Lucky 13: Turret Fight!! PEW PEW PEW PEW
Lucky 13: Rover Fight! PEW PEW PEW
Lucky 13: Ground Pound Operation
Lucky 13: We Do Piracy RIGHT!
Lucky 13: Emptying The LitterBox
Lucky 13: Things Rin Thinks Are Funny
Lucky 13: Pirates At Olisar
Lucky 13: Bored Skydiving
Lucky 13: Canyon Flying… No One Died :

In case you haven’t noticed… WE ARE A COMBAT FOCUSED ORG! We want the following from our prospective maraud….ermm…pilots.

  • Be Over 18 Years Of Age (We are NOT Kid-Friendly)
  • Be able to understand the difference between talking like a weirdo and talking like a weirdo during combat (don’t do it)
  • Be able to follow directions as well as think creatively during a fight
  • Be respectful of your org-mates
  • Be respectful of others in the verse
  • Have the drive to be the best at player vs. player combat you can be. We don’t want players that are happy with mediocrity
  • Something…something…something…tiger’s blood….WINNING!
  • Have a great affinity for Kittehs of all types


Our goal is simple, make money where we can and have fun doing it. our primary focus is “guns for hire” but we Intend to explore everything that Star Citizen has to offer as a supportive group. This means that if you want to do something, you will have the backing of Lucky 13 with you, as long as that something you want to do involves / funds combat related activities.

Will we mine? Probably. But we will hate every minute of it.

Will we run cargo? Yes…The corpses of our enemies.

Will we meta-game? You bet your furry butt we’ll meta-game. -SUPER SECRET ESPIONAGE!! Oh crap…cat’s out the bag. Just kidding…I think.

Will we crush our enemies, see them driven before us, and hear the lamentations of the spade and neutered? Yes. In fact…That’s our primary mission.

Will we gently ask for permission to engage in consensual fisticuffs like true gentlemen? Yes….and No.

Depends. Well…


We won’t.


Lucky 13 Rules For In Game Play:

** Avoid trash talk with in game communication

** Hold fire on starter ships (Aurora, Mustang) these are often new players with limited combat experience and are of little threat. If they engage first then they may be destroyed, This rule can be suspended during operations.

** No pad camping, this is considered grieving which is something we do not support. It is unsportsmanlike and ruins others game experience. Depending on how the game develops this rule is subject to change.

** Avoid drama with other players not in our organization. After a good engagement with another player, be courteous and give them a “GF” (good fight) in chat.

** All other Star Citizen terms of service rules apply.

Lucky 13 Voice And Text Chat Rules:

** NO DRAMA! if you have a problem, bring it up with an officer and we will handle it.

** No Racism / Religion / Politics in group chat locations. Only discuss these topics in private chat. these topics cause drama and should be avoided.

** Respect the decisions of Lucky 13 officers

** No advertising on Lucky 13 discord without officer approval.

** Keep sensitive material out of our General Chat, this chat may be viewed by people not in our organization.

** Real life comes first, always. This is only a game and does not take priority over real life situations.

** We reserve the right to remove anyone from Lucky 13 org or discord for any reason at any time.