Mars Assembly Aerospace Union / MAAU

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Welcome to the Mars Assembly Aerospace Union.

A recognized and prosperous EEU Commission founded on Olympus Mons Mars, first founded in 2058 with nearly 900 years of discovery, development, breakthroughs and leading the way to the stars.

Welcome to the future — it belongs to you.


The Mars Assembly Aerospace Union was founded in 2058, when Professor Cescily Harmden, Commander Alexander Li, and Dr. Unuka Botoru founded the original charter of the Assembly.

They were, themselves living and working on Mars before the initial attempts at transforming in 2120, developing new power generation systems to safeguard the future of Mars as a system-wide power.


This fleet is devided into 5 major departments — They are:

– Exploration Exploring the deepest and far flung stars.

– Resources Extraction and manufacture of usable resources.

– Logistics Maintaining a active web of trade, transport and supply lines.

– Medical Rescue operations, planetary wellness, pharmaceutical research.


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