Mars Military Solutions / MARSMC

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Resources

A private security firm originally from the Earth Colony on Mars, we expanded our operations to the Stanton system when the rush of corporations also lead to a rush in piracy. We are currently in need of additional soldiers to fill out our ranks. Equipment provided.


A private security firm originally from the Earth Colony on Mars, we expanded our operations to the Stanton system when the rush of corporations also lead to a rush in piracy. The CEO of the of the MARSMC, ConstantineH, decided to lead the excursion himself, leaving behind a lifestyle of luxury in the towering skyline of Mars. He set about building what will essentially be a new corporation from the ground up, due to the expense of moving to many people or to much material from Sol, to Stanton. His first task… recruiting enough people to man the Redeemer he bought in Stanton, the MMC Dakka.


Every day our pilots, miners, scouts, and security forces work together for the enrichment of all. We ensure our members have the opportunity to make money, and do it as safe as we possibly can.


Our security forces work every day, providing a watchful eye over organization mining operations. While not actively providing security they are training and/or chasing bounties.

Official Corporate Mining Operations:

Be it in a group of prospectors, a mole(s), or on the ground with Rocs, the MARSMC will be providing regular mining operations for its members. While out members of our security division will be providing close over watch, keeping the pirates at bay. This will include while transporting the final haul for sale. An escort will be provided by our security forces. This service is available to our members and to other like minded orgs, for a fee.


This isn’t just a catch phrase, and it doesn’t just apply to hanging out in discord comms. We will communicate all of the latest mining advise, star citizen patch notes, and all other relevant information that our members need. All org mining operations will be made easier with communication as well, providing our members with the most efficient operation we can possibly provide.


Financial Opportunities

The goal of the MARSMC is to bring as much profit in to it, and into its members as we can. Constant research and organization of activities is our way. For now the only paid work will be in mining and security. In the future, as the MARSMC makes money, additional income can be provided to members for doing things like recruitment, marketing, training, and acting in other leadership roles.


The meat and potatoes of our organization. All may be in this class of members and may participate in a mining operation as a mole turret, or a the pilot of a prospector or ROC. Will usually receive a larger share of a mining ops proceeds.


The backbone of our organization. All may be in this class of members and can participate in mining ops protecting the miners and scouts, in exchange for a portion of the proceeds. They may also be tasked with hunting pirates, chasing NPC bounties, and potentially even waging war if the time calls for it. They will also be tasked with escorting a freighter of goods to market in exchange for a cut of the proceeds. They may also merc out to other mining orgs to protect their miners and freighters.


The eyes of our miners, they are tasked with going out and seeing which rocks are worth mining so the miners can swoop in and hoover it all up. They will be paid for this invaluable service.


These individuals, in exchange for pay, pilot the moles and the carriers for Rocs.


Charged with marketing our services and recruiting new members into the organization. This may be a paid gig once the MARSMC brings in enough revenue to make it viable.

Human Resources:

Charged with processing applications and dealing with any inter-member issues within the MARSMC. This may be a paid gig once the MARSMC brings in enough revenue to make it viable.


Charged with training people on mining, piloting, fighting, and whatever else comes up. This may be a paid gig once the MARSMC brings in enough revenue to make it viable.