McGee Mining LTD / MCGEE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Transport

Newly Founded on the 03-12-2022, Through Solo mining with the prospector I have accumulated enough Cash to have recently bought the Mole. Looking for a Crew to get started and as a team see where things take us.


McGee Mining LTD was formed on the 3-12-2022. Founded by Dasher McGee who has experience in solo mining in Asteroids/moons for Quantanium as well as gem mining!


Phase One is to get together a good Mole crew where we can come up with ideas on the best/most efficient way to Mine Quant and make loads of cash.

Phase Two is to buy large transport ships and fighters for escort

Phase three is to buy More Moles where the original crew will then be responsible to captain and crew their own ships

Phase four will be to branch out into Salvage and depending on 3.18 possibly purchase the reclaimer or a fleet of Vultures


Treat people the way you would like to be treated….with respect