57th Midnight Squadron / MIDNIGHTSQ

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Exploration

Welcome to the 57th Midnight Squadron! Please feel free to look over our site and apply if you feel you would fit in well. https://57th.MidnightSquadron.com


The Beginning

“MS is about QUALITY, members are encouraged to step up; And believe me, it’s always appreciated because not one person, not one group makes Midnight Squadron great, but all of us.”

Midnight Squadron (MS) was actually started in August-September of 1995. Due to a lack of record keeping at the time, an exact date is unknown. Eventually, we settled on November 18, 1995 as an “official date”. Midnight Squadron was founded by Capm and Tire for the purpose of creating an organized & experienced Descent clan. Engage Games Online BETA was the location for our beginning. When Engage-Games went to pay-to-play in early 1996 the MS moved to Kali. When Descent 2 came about, we became a multi-game clan.

Later in 1998, a game called Tribes came out and MS ventured into its third game, and there we met the 57th Squadron. Founded by Zahadoom, they were a like minded group of individuals and we saw our equals in them. Eventually, after a period of time and negotiation, leadership then decided to merge the two separate clans to become one, The 57th Midnight Squadron.

“A place where people who share a love and enthusiasm for gaming can gather.”

The In-Between Years

“Of course! Anyone may join if they prove to be 57th MS quality! 57th MS quality doesn’t mean the best at the game or the most hardcore; it means you’re respectful to your fellow gamers. You have a willingness to teach newcomers as well as learn from experienced members. In MS we don’t demand any respect, we offers ours freely and expect it to be returned. Any approved cadet will notice that from day one he/she is greeted with friendliness, and as long as you approve of our ways and respect our members, you too can be part of our family.”

Over the years, 57th Midnight Squadron has been involved in dozens of games. Below you will find the short list of some of the games that we have been active in during our twenty-six years of service.

In no particular order:

Americas Army
Guild Wars
Star Wars Galaxies
StarGate Worlds (We were in the beta, so we are counting it, even tho the game never launched)
World of Warcraft
Star Trek Online
The Secret World
Guild Wars 2
All Points Bulletin: Reloaded (As well as the first version of this game as-well)
Star Wars: The Old Republic
Battlefield 2
Battlefield 3
Battlefield 4
Battlefield 1
Pantheon (under development)

“MS for me is a place where you can have fun, with people so distant from you yet they feel like family.”

Current Years

“We spend time with each other every day, together we laugh, argue, have fun… Call me crazy, but for me – that’s family.”

Today, 57th Midnight Squadron is one of the oldest gaming guilds in history. We have a long and rich history through dozens of games, a legacy that obliges the current and future generations of our guild mates. Our focus is to always stay the same-dedication to our family atmosphere, strong community, and our founding principles. Currently present in many contemporary MMO’s, we pride ourselves on our honorable principles, and a disciplined military like organization, that both allow and keep safe a family atmosphere among its members. We have a Hybrid Military-Style Command Structure that helps to maintain order but is very flexible and has been developed from the years of experience we have acquired. Our team has always be based on our core values of Honor, Integrity, Loyalty, Respect, Maturity, and of course, having Fun! Only through this dedication are we able to achieve excellence in gaming and richness in our relationships.

We do have requirements for joining, but we offer even more in return. We offer you a legacy, an inspiration, a safe home away from home, and victory in gaming. Would you like to be a part of such a lineage?


Page Under Construction. Please check back soon!


Midnight Squadron’s Code of Conduct

Section I – General Guidelines

We are a team
Attack one of us, and you have attacked all of us. MS members stick together
Experience matters, but teamwork is paramount
No Communication to the other team during official matches
Exception granted to Division CO/XO’s to determine ground rules, settle disputes, etc
We treat the game as a GAME. We are here to have fun; winning at the expense of attitude is unacceptable
We are led by people whom have earned our trust
Assisting others supersedes personal goals. This is particularly relevant to Massively Multiplayer Games!
Treat others as you wish to be treated
Never forget that what goes around comes around. If you start sowing dissent and drama, you’ll be gone, the Clan won’t
We treat our members as unexpendable, but we will not tolerate blackguards
Our Forums and Teamspeak are PG-13

Definition of Blackguard: -noun : An unprincipled contemptible person; scoundrel

Section II – Code Of Conduct Core Values

A. Honor

Acting with Honor is the single most important aspect of any member of this clan
Having a sense of right and wrong, and adherence to the principles of Integrity, Loyalty, Selflessness, Respect and Maturity
Treating others with respect, doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the highest Law of our community

“Without Honor, you are nothing. Without Honor, you are not MS”

B. Loyalty

A faithfulness to or ideals, motives, beliefs and most importantly, each other
We are a shoulder to lean on, a friend to talk to, someone to have fun with
Our members have gone on vacation together, visited each other in the real world, and some of them became big friends in RL
Clan members support each other to achieve goals
We aren’t just a guild or group, we are a Clan

Definition of Clan: -noun : A group of people, as a clique, set, society, or party, especially as united by some common trait, characteristic, or interest.

C. Respect

You cannot have an organized, mature organization without respecting other members
The only discrimination we practice is against attitude. We are not interested in gamers with “elite skills”
Skills can be taught or developed, statistics built up
We respect differences of opinion. This also falls under Maturity
We treat Everyone respectfully, even when they are not

D. Maturity

Midnight Squadron has a zero tolerance for juvenile or vindictive behavior
All members of this clan are equally responsible for maintaining our image
Respect is earned, not given away. Show respect, and receive respect
One of the fastest ways out the door here is being disrespectful of other’s beliefs, opinions, status, etc

E. Selflessness

Putting another members needs before your own
Helping others improve
Volunteering your time to clan activities outside the scope of gaming
Giving advice and friendship to those in need

F. Integrity

Do what is right, even when it is hard.
Clan first! If something will endanger the reputation of the clan, don’t do it.
Truthfulness is key to forming long term and meaningful relationships in MS.

G. Fun

We’re here to have FUN, but not at the expense of the CoC
We celebrate victories, but enjoy the experience and lessons defeat brings

Section III – Communication Protocol

Protocol is a moderation process employed by command staff during meetings and important events to facilitate effective communication.
Unless otherwise specified, assume you are under communication protocol under the following conditions:

During ranked matches, raids or events
Any official meetings

Standard Operating Procedure:

You may not communicate unless addressed.
If you have a relevant comment or question type an exclamation point (!) or a question mark (?) respectively, via IRC or Chat and wait for acknowledgement. .
Set yourself as “Channel Commander” via Teamspeak
These may be repeated, but do not spam

• When Protocol is sounded, immediately cease all activities and open communications.

Section IV – Command Structure

Command Positions are reserved for those individuals that not only strictly adhere to the CoC but also the following guidelines :


Every Commander must put in the due diligence to BUILD & Maintain the division. This includes but not limited to; Actively posting on forums, networking, member management and attendance
All New Commanders (whether a New Division or Existing) will go through a 30-60 day probationary period

Section V – Attendance

If you will be Away from the game for a length of time, you must inform Senior Command
If you are AWOL over 2 weeks, you will be removed from Command and your XO will take over (PLEASE choose your XO wisely and your XO MUST understand the Command will fall to them if this happens)
You may be placed back into Command if you have support from your XO, 2 Division members and the approval of a majority vote from Senior Command

If there is any doubt in your life, doubt in the game, do not take Command!

Section VI – Chain of Command

In order to settle a lot of general confusion creation of this section was necessary.

Capm>Senior Command>Division CO> Division XO>Team Lead
Capm>Senior Command>Tech Admins

Capm is one of the Founders of Midnight Squadron.

Division CO, XO, and Team Lead authorities and responsibilities are limited to whatever division they are in. They are to be treated as regular members, for the purposes of cross division interaction, albeit of a higher rank. This rank does not give them any sort of precedence over lower ranked members insomuch as the other division’s command structure is concerned.

Simply put, a Major from the LoL division cannot give orders to a LT from the GW division, if the Major is playing GW under the command of the LT.

Senior Commanders have precedence over ALL of midnight squadron and may be a division CO as well, but must separate their responsibilities for the above reasons.

Section V – Personal Behavior & Conflicts

Personal conflicts can and do occur. The following guidelines have been created to help you address any such issues.
If you have a problem with a fellow member, first take it to private messages, chat channels or a different Teamspeak/Ventrilo channel
If you can’t settle the issue, ask your CO/XO/TL to mediate. This is one of their responsibilities
If your issue directly involves your TL, go to your XO; if it involves your XO go to your CO; if it involves your CO, go to senior command
If you or your CO/XO feels that they are unable to make any headway or an unbiased opinion on the matter they MUST escalate it to senior command
Racism and/or sexism are not allowed
Debates about sexual orientation, political affiliations, religious views or similar heated topics are to be taken to a special part of the forums designed for such discussions However, you are still expected to uphold the standards of the CoC setforth herein
You are expected to follow the orders of your Command Staff to the letter
You are encouraged to take the initative when no orders are forthcoming

A. Actions Specifically Banned

Open accusations of cheating, hacking or exploiting
Antagonizing the opposing team
Swearing at the other team
Personal attacks against team members or opposing teams (Physical or verbal)
Purposeful disruptive, subversive, antagonistic, or bad behavior
Cheating of any kind

B. Disciplinary Policy

This clan uses a mandatory twenty-four (24) hour cool down period. No significant actions may be taken against a member for violations of the code of conduct for a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours after the initial infraction. During this cool down, a members status is considered SUSPENDED. After that time we invoke necessary disciplinary action.

Who can enforce this policy you ask?

Only Capm can Suspend a Senior Commander
Senior Command can Suspend CO’s,XO’s, TL’s, Members, Cadets
CO’s can Suspend XO’s, TL’s, Members, Cadets in their own Division
XO’s can Suspend TL’s, Members, Cadets in their own Division

C. Termination Of Membership

You may terminate your membership at any time by submitting written notification of your intent and the reasons for doing so; via forum post in the Members Rec Lounge or via a personal message to your current divisions Commanding Officer. We will not consider your termination request to be irrevocable for a period of seventy-two (72) hours after receipt; to allow you to change your mind.

After the seventy-two hour window expires, if you wish to rejoin Midnight Squadron, you must:

Wait a Minimum of three (3) Months
Obtain recommendations from no less than two (2) current members of the division you are applying to
Obtain approval from your previous Division Commander and Senior Command Majority vote