Millennium Corp / MILLENIUM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Infiltration
  • Security

Millennium is a private military company and special transport corporation operating in chartered and uncharted space, dealing with VIP transport and bounty hunting. Security needs of the future today.




The Millennium Corporation opened on October 6th, 2587 at the height of the 1st Tevarian War. Operations were off the books and usually involved hostage situations and negotiations. From a spectre of the UEE we found ourselves a place after the war had been won and established our footprint in high profile cases of search and rescue to stabilising regional governments. Although the later was a priority in recent years our focus has been of bounty hunting HVT’s.



p=.Mission Statement

Board members have decided in past weeks that the company will be taking a different direction which will include the likes of a PMC this means our company with associate with contractors involved with high dangerous situations and could involve deep space missions. Funding for a company RSI Polaris will commence once the game either starts or if member agree beforehand depending on what the financial situation of the company is.

p=.h2. Charter As of 2951-
This corporation’s priorities are subject to change however three main instances will remain the same and expectations of our charter will be enacted to the fruition of these goals.

  1. 1 Strike Mission
    Strike Missions require the entire company and are involved in HVT destruction for the UEE and large Militia groups.
  2. 2 Hostage/Asset retrieval
    Countless centuries of negotiation training and infil and exfil have shaped Millenniums operators and anyone willing can be a part of these situations.
  3. 3 Headquarters
    Defend of our headquarters is essential and must be a priority. Whether that is our flagship the Ronin or future Assets. Maintaining our foothold and reputation is paramount.

In the Intrum
In the event the company does not yield high-value contracts, the following is to be mandated.
The company will maintain its old traditional profession of exploration which will likely involve most company members, bounty hunting and freelancing. This means cohesion between members of the company is essential. the key for this company is to grow so start recruiting people the bigger this company is able to become the easier missions in game will become and will also become much more enjoyable and create an awesome environment for all millennium members.

End Game
One of the final goals for the company will to be at some point own an AGEIS Idris-P which means the company can launch long-range missions available for all members to take part of and crew a masterpiece of aerospace engineering.


Board Rules stat *All members must be respectful of all other members including the founder who i hear is a doosh.
  • Members in distress and send out a call for help must be responded to and assisted if possible. just remember other members are not responsible for what happens to a player who may have been attacked or started an encounter.
  • during mission consisting of multiple millennium members follow the chain of command, but with that said all opinions must be listened to by those in charge and discuss what’s best for the mission, members and their ship if applicable. * when the game is released depending on the available ships funding may be introduced to help the company progress which will then mean the company will be able to help out members. final goal is for the company to own a Idris which will be available for all members.