Citizens of MIN 1B / MIN1B

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We are the citizens of MIN 1B.

We are independent and free to do whatever we want to.

If you plan to settle at MIN 1B, please contact us to join our community.


MIN 1B is the largest moon orbiting the rouge gas giant. It has a thin atmosphere and is surprisingly warm because of the thermal heating produced by its eccentric orbit around MIN 1. The moon even has bioluminescent bacteria living near hydrothermal vents at the bottom of its vast oceans.
Over the years a small encampment of settlers has set up residence here.


It’s all for nothing if you don’t have freedom.


  • Help your fellow citizens of Min 1B whenever you can.
  • We are an independent and neutral system.
  • Do not attack anybody first while inside MIN. Self defense is allowed.
  • Attackers that got marked by our sheriff are free to be hunted down by every citizen.
  • As we are floating through the universe we are free to do whatever we can dream of.
  • Citizens of MIN 1B can vote on questions that involve our system or our citizens.
  • If there is no clear majority the elders council has the final word.