Mithril Amalgamated / MITHRIL

  • Organization
  • Hardcore
  • Security
  • Engineering

——Mithril Amalgamated——

Welcome citizens to Mithril Amalgamated.
These are the main focus of the corporation.
If you are trying to travel across the universe and need help.
We will be there for you.



A private organization founded on bringing peace during turbulent times, and conflicts.

Mithril’s history spans back over a decade.
It’s members friendship forged on the field of battle from both sides of conflicts. We bonded and became a hardened single unit.
Unfortunately as the battles raged on, members fell on all sides and we didn’t come out unscathed.

Politically neutral throughout the U.E.E. and beyond.
We are currently rebuilding our organization to become the light that floods the blackest of skies, and brings peace to conflicts.

—-Mithril Amalgamated—-

Mithril Amalgamated is taking a short break while we continue to check our historical records for unclassified documents relating to our history.

Thank you for your cooperation.

In other related News.

We are also Proud to announce our partnership with another Organization, who’s goals coincide with our own. Together being mutually beneficial to one another. That organization is TITANCORE.
With both of our extensive fleets combined and new friendships formed, the possibilities of what can be accomplished are closer than ever.

We also have standing alliances with

XPLOR. & Cognition Corp.


Mithril Amalgamated is committed to bringing peace to conflicts wherever innocent people could be involved. From pirates attacking a lone prospector mining in the fields, to escorting citizens out of war zones, and bringing aid to planets in need.

Other Industries we are involved in include.

Freelancing & Bounty Hunting
Exploration, Scouting & Infiltration
Mining & Resource Operations
Trade Goods, Transport and Logistic Services
Science, Technology & Engineering.

Join our weekly patrol and learn some new skills or come with us and visit new and exciting places while making some money. Our operations take us across the universe. From delivering goods to the front lines in Vanduul space, to a nice relaxing holiday away via our private 890 Jump.

Feel free to join our Discord Channel where we can discuss all things Star Citizen related and anything else your mind thinks of.


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