Latter Day Spacemen / MORMON

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Latter Day Spacemen is a service/charity oriented organization. If you’re interested in finding opportunities to help make the universe a better place, we’re the org for you! Make friends and socialize with other charity workers from all over the universe!

Join us or become an affiliate today!


The Charity Organization Latter Day Spacemen was started in the year 2016 by Kevlar (theuberkevlar) and Chelleigh. They founded the organization in the hope that they could make the galaxy a better place by doing good deeds for those in need. The organization was originally intended to be merely a social gathering place, but when Chelleigh and Kevlar lost their first spaceship in a fire they vowed to find ways to help the spacemen around them through their own hard times.


“Kindness is the essence of a celestial life.” – Joseph B. Wirthlin

Latter Day Spacemen is primarily a charity organization but also doubles as a place for people of the LDS Faith and their friends to gather and talk about Star Citizen and share recipes for Green Space Jello, etc.

The Latter Day Spacemen intend to plan and fulfill charity events in the universe at least once a month. These will range from such things as donating goods or helping transport cargo to needy citizens, to helping us rake the leaves in Old Sister Blorknaz’s yard. Service projects will be decided on as a group so be sure to participate in meetings and contribute your ideas and feedback on how we can best help our fellow spacemen.

As a Latter Day Spaceman (or Spacewoman, the phrase ‘Spaceman’ here is broad) you should always be looking for ways to help your fellow Star Citizens, whether by being a peacemaker, or by sharing acts of kindness or generosity.


As a Latter Day Spaceman you should:

1. Be kind to everyone around you
2. Be honest
3. Serve your fellow spacemen
5. Attend at least one Latter Day Spacemen Meeting per month (there will be space snacks)