Mal's Raiders / MRAID

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

MRAID Freelance Mercenary Corporation

“Need a job done? Sometimes off the books perhaps? Let’s talk prices…”

Now Recruiting! New Players Welcome!

Join the MRAID Discord and start your adventure today!


Our Leader and His Legacy

Maleran, Leader of what is now known as MRAID, started his combative career as a small time bounty hunter on Aremis {Vega II} in 2942 but always felt that he wasn’t making a real difference. This lead him to take his trip to the stars by enlisting in the UEE Navy to take the fight to the Vanduul threat present in a lot of known colonized UEE space. Later that year, he completed his eight month naval training regimen in one of the Forges located in the Vega system.

For the next year and a half he remained in the Vega system posted at a naval garrison’s port to assist in the increasing criminal activity hindering UEEN influence in the systemm, his skill was unmatched in his squadron, netting him an appointment as commander of his own section of a medium fighter squadron consisting of three other F7A Hornets.

Year 2944 is meeting it’s end, Maleran has worked with the UEEN and his section have been assigned the usual regular job keeping the system safe. However, his section was also assigned certain jobs to pacify ‘insurgent activity’ performing strafing runs on certain structures, seemingly civilian housing and production centers on Selene {Vega III}.

Upon returning to port he began to question the motives of his superiors, who’s reason for such lackluster orders were “They did not believe in the Vanduul threat and were spreading negative propaganda.” to which Maleran did not choose believe. After leaving port to go on routine patrol with his section, they came across a small group of blade fighters they had no IR markers. He recalled a manufacturer, Esperia, manufactured replicas of the well known Vanduul fighters and as he finished his thought they were suddenly engaged, the were not Human.

The fighter’s were no match for Maleran’s section but they were not left unscathed. The section decided to return to re-arm and report what they saw, one of many sparks contributing to the start of the Battle of Vega II. After potentially the most momentous battle in the Human-Vanduul war, the UEE Navy 2nd Fleet destroyed a Kingship.

The following days, Maleran decided that he would waste no time requesting release from the UEEN due to countless disputes regarding morally ambiguous orders issued to his section. He was later honorably discharged due to his efforts in assisting during the Battle of the Vega system. Many pilots of the 2nd Fleet, aspiring and skilled were disheartened to see a Veteran such as him retire from the field.

The Conception of Mal’s Raiders

In 2947, Mal’s Raiders was established. The turnout of recruits lining up was more than expected at 11 members, making it the minimum size of a squadron. The Raiders started their work around the Vega system for a year, taking just about any job they could find that were justifiable and gaining more members and reputation with every few jobs. The Leader actually received several complaints about his unruly mercenaries and poor decorum, this lead to Maleren reconsidering his leadership strategy resulting in the organization’s first fleet officer, an ex UEEN member from the same fleet he used to belong to.

As time passed, the jobs in the system were becoming scarce due to not only MRAID but also the lingering UEE presence who have set up post in the event of another potential Xeno-attack, bringing crime to a lull. Unfortunately, this meant a lack of supplies, food and most important for a mercenary group: money.

A conclusion was arrived to by MRAID; they couldn’t sustain all their members by doing just combat related jobs, which sparked the decision of appointing a Logistics officer in charge of procuring and selling goods and ‘acquired’ equipment from the jobs they have taken. It was also around this time that the idea of taking more fringe jobs, later greenlit by Maleran.

Illicit Contracts and the UEE

Three years later {2950} the Raiders decided to leave Vega and move operations to the Stanton system. Doing lawful jobs in Stanton was relatively peaceful and uneventful for the Raiders, performing more righteous yet morally ambiguous jobs however kept things lively and while this generated some amount concerns from former orthodox clients, word traveled fast in Stanton about a mercenary group that would take on just about any job, for the right price: Mal’s Raiders.

In 2951 the UEEN Fleet stationed in Stanton reached out to Maleran and his Raiders. It was at this point the troupe thought it would be the end of the line, we did not expect however for the UEE to request initiation of a private contract in order to deal with some of the dirty work to be done that was “not befitting of the UEEN”. It was theorized amongst the Raiders that this permission to continue our actions was due to the Leader’s prior service and exploits in the Vega System.

With this, Mal’s Raiders had more freedom regarding taking contracts so long as it didn’t vastly disregard UEE law and allowed for jobs to flow in from many new sources.

Establishing Presence in Occupied Space

It is now 2952 and MRAID has been slowly growing and have been receiving requests for security, defensive lockdown, legal and illegal escorts etc. around the space of Stanton. The ships in the Orgs possession form a rather impressive fleet that should be feared if the Raiders ever deem necessary to release into a system.

As it currently stands Mal’s Raiders are looking for able and aspiring bodies who are looking to find their own place in the explored and unexplored known universe and are ready to welcome any into their ranks in order to lift not only ourselves up but all systems that MRAID decide to make their presence known.

The Raider’s Legacy is still being created and if they encounter you in the verse you shall have no better friend and no worst enemy.


Mal’s Raiders have always been mercenaries, and mercenaries only care about two things, Money and Morals. We tend to not worry about the second bit.

MRAID has always been about helping anybody for the right price – no questions asked. Who decides who is good or bad in the grand scheme of things anyway? We say the victor.

Our Bread and Butter:

We place ourselves in standard or clandestine military, paramilitary or business operations in all levels of the field. Whether this includes a fighting force, logistical or industrial support. MRAID is there to deliver premium and professional experience until the job is done, or payment is. Whichever comes first.

What we are looking for:

  • At MRAID we are looking for a few key things; some more than others, all important.
    • -We are always looking for capable or budding fighters whether this be to dominate the earth or rule above it, you will be the first in and last out of any job we take. Your current skill level doesn’t matter, as long as you have the dedication and perseverance to not only succeed, but improve. If you don’t know where to start, we have some veteran pilots who are always willing to teach if you are willing to learn.
    • -What might even be just as — if not more important is a solid logistical team. This means; Hauling, Refuel and Resupplying, Vehicle transport and Procuring funds and Equipment via Sales and Merchandise you are the backbone of our Organization. Without you our troops may be able to fight, but they wont be able to sustain. You must work together with the above soon to be and aforementioned or we all fall.
    • -How can any group of any coordinated people survive without a place to live and the materials to sustain it? That’s where the Industrial team comes in. Mining, Salvage and Construction; is there truly anything more crucial to any corporation or civilization? We think not. When you join our Industrial team you can always expect to have protection to ensure a safe job and Haulers and Refueling to keep doing what you love doing as best, and as long as possible.

What can we offer:

For Members: We offer a wide array of support and training opportunities for all Raiders under Maleran’s command, but don’t think the benefits stop there. We also also have a rather large fleet consisting of many different types of ships at our disposal, and this just includes the few officers. Why does this matter to you? Because as an MRAID member you can request any one of them. None of the officer’s ships tickle your fancy? Don’t be alarmed, If you’ve made yourself known for at least two weeks and now consider yourself a Raider, you can request a ‘Ship Grant’ from our Logistics team. What does this mean? It means that you can request a loan of aUEC from the Logistics Officer in order to get a ship that you want to buy or rent from your local ship dealer, the only caveat being a valid reason. more details can be requested upon completed recruitment.

For Clients: The best. Select MRAID as a security force, offensive force or work force, or miss out on your greatest chance at success. Trust that you can truly have no better friend and no worst enemy, We advise against picking the latter.

Unlimited Potential

Maleran and his Raiders, all strive to become a dominant force in not only Stanton, Pyro and Nyx but all of inhabited space from the UEE all the way to the Xi’an. We want to make sure that everywhere we go our allies feel safe and our enemies feel fear. This ambition is paramount and we we want YOU to join us on this journey. Whether it be as a one time client or as an aspiring member. Strive for a universe that you want to see. With us.


When joining Mal’s Raiders while we do tend to be laid back, we encourage the combatants in our group to compete with each other in order to become well versed in their craft. Hauling and Industry to share info amongst each other. And EVERYONE to work with and engage with one another. This not only strengthens our camaraderie but also our efficiency and with us, we will figure out where every member fits into our chain and forge them into a strong link.

  • Rules to join MRAID
    • Must be 18+ years of age.
    • Must have a working microphone.
    • Must have Discord.
    • No politics.

  1. Respect.
  2. Always take payment.
  3. Don’t leak info.

What We Expect:
  1. Real life always comes first.
  2. We are a team, treat each other well.
  3. If you need help, ask.
  4. If you have questions, ask.
  5. Be a part of the Group. Engage with your peers.
  6. Protect MRAID and its assets.
  7. Enjoy yourself and the game!