Médecins Sans Planètes / MSPL

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Médecins Sans Planètes (MSPL) translates to Doctors without Planets. We provide medical assistance to citizens affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or lack of ejection seats. We seek to act as a non-partisan organisation that will render assistance to those in need or caught up in conflict.


Médecins Sans Planètes (MSPL) was formed during the first Human-Tevarin War by a group of Doctors and other medical professionals who felt that the United Planets of Earth were not doing enough to help those caught up in the conflict. The foundation of the UEE did little to diminish the demand for the invaluable services that MSPL provide.

The organisation is non-political and seeks to help and support any who are in need of medical services regardless of affiliation. They actively operate in and around active combat areas providing medical assistance to those affected. Médecins Sans Planètes seeks to be a beacon of hope in conflict ravaged regions around the Verse.


The primary goal of Médecins Sans Planètes (MSPL) is to help Citizens in need of medical assistance. This is at the core of why the Organisation exists and all actions by members and the Organisation should ultimately be in service to this goal.

We do not seek to take sides in conflict or support one faction over another.
We do not operate to enrich nor expand the members’ or the MSPL’s power and influence.
We will not turn a blind eye to a Citizen in need unless there is an unacceptable risk to the care providers.
We will not engage in any criminal activity or behaviour that brings the MSPL’s reputation into disrepute.


Members of Médecins Sans Planètes (MSPL) shall abide by the following rules in addition to the Terms and Conditions set out by Cloud Imperium Games (CIG).

1. Members shall not engage in harassment, abuse, griefing, or other forms of anti-social behaviour. 1.a. Members shall be aware that their enjoyment of the game should not come at the direct expense of others. 1.b. Members shall respect the dignity and autonomy of other persons.
2. Members shall be aware that their behaviour reflects on MSPL and any other Organisations that they may be a part of. 2.a. Members shall conduct themselves in a manner that will encourage a positive opinion of the player and MSPL in others.
3. Members shall not engage in criminal activities while representing MSPL.
4. Members shall endeavour to provide medical support to any Citizen that is in need. 4.a. Members shall not deny medical support to any Citizen unless there is an unacceptable risk to the care giver
5. Members are allowed and encouraged to have membership in and partake in organised activities with other Organisations as long as they do not hold incompatible beliefs and/or goals to MSPL.