Mediocre Orbital Outreach / MTM

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Engineering

Mediocre Orbital Outreach, homesteading and industrial services…
Where ever home is, we’ll help you find it.

Join our Discord here!


It all started in the year 2947 with the construction of an orbital facility to raise cattle inside. What began as a simple project would soon turn into a serious business. In order to expand our construction-business we needed a more reliable and less cost-intensive way of gathering materials. With the purchase of an Orion to solve the problem, we also saw the need to invest into logistics. Which, in turn, led to buying a small fleet of multi-purpose transporters that could be utilized for various purposes.

With the UEE now making land claims a lot more accessible to the public and the unveiling of the brand-new Pioneer. We saw our chance of becoming the leader in a not yet established market and are ready to reach beyond the borders of human engineering.

Our standardized construction-patterns allow for fast construction with an infinite layout and variations. Thus saving cost and time on our customer’s end. Today we stand for highly modern and efficient AI-based construction solutions. Our engineers plan operating cycles, material and circuit designs meticulously and provide a smooth execution of sophisticated construction projects.

Join us today on our journey throughout the stars – alongside an ever rising company with professional leadership, Discord, our own website and a passion for Star Citizen.

Let’s see where this group of cows landed thus far.
  • Dec / 07 / 2948 – MOO makes it to 20 members!
  • Oct / 24 / 2948 – The herd grows stronger as our 15th member joined today!
  • Oct / 23 / 2948 – New purpose confirmed by Leadership
  • Sept/ 19 / 2948 – Mediocrely Transcending Misfits is now Mediocre Orbital Outreach
  • Aug / 06 / 2948 – A shadowy Qabal forms to bring new life to the Org
  • Dec / 02 / 2947 – We reached a total of 10 members! What a day!
  • Nov / 15 / 2947 – Created extra discord channels dedicated to your profession to send reports!
  • Nov / 08 / 2947 – Completed all 18 waves of Vanduul Swarm with only two pilots!
  • Nov / 07 / 2947 – Completed all 18 waves of Pirate Swarm with only two pilots!
  • Sep / 25 / 2947 – Discord Channel was created and organized.
  • Sep / 24 / 2947 – Mediocrely Transcending Misfits united!


Base, Safe harbor, Crashpad, Headquarters, Sanctuary, Camp
No matter what you might call it, the concept is still the same. A place where you feel at ease. Where you bed down at night. A place you call . . .


At Mediocre Orbital Outreach it is our goal is to help you find that place you call your own. Whether it’s your own corner of the universe or a place with us on the ranch, Home is our goal and we’ll help you find it.


Membership Guidelines

| Low Quality Cow |
A low ranking member who has not yet shown their value and is in their trial stages.

| Common Cow |
A low ranking member who shows persistence in the group and assists to the best of their ability when they can.

| Uncommon Cow |
A mid ranking member who has showed value to this organization by assisting with events and helping with missions.

| Rare Cow |
A high ranking member who has proven their value to this organization by showing on time for events, helping complete missions and helping new org members.

| Unique Cow |
2nd Commanding Officer – Also keeps order and peace among the people. Helps mostly complete the tasks given from 1st Commanding Officers.

| Legendary Cow |
1st Commanding Officer – Keeps order and peace among the people. Helps with organizing events and missions.