Network / NETWORK

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Security

The Network is an organization created for the purpose of communication. All play types are encouraged to use this hub as a means for hiring security, mercenaries, traders, smugglers, PMC’s, and exploration support.


The network was founded to be what its name suggests, A network. This loose organization of people was founded with the express purpose of being a secondary ORG, a place where individuals from countless origins can seek out others for various business contracts.

Sometimes a job just can’t be put on a UEE information board; sometimes it requires a bit more of a personal touch. The network is your place to do that.


The Network does not align itself with any other organizations. It is independent from all governments, organizations, businesses, syndicates, faiths, and any alliances. There is no bias in logistics, however a public image must be maintained. As such, no open bids for piracy will be tolerated publicly….


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