Event Horizons / NEWSPACE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Freelancing

“Never send a Space Boy to do a Space Man’s job.”

- Captain Scar-Dog


Event Horizons started with a single ship and a captain that took on the unknown and returned a self-proclaimed hero. In actuality, he inadvertently started a war with several extra-terrestrial lifeforms, but they did have it coming for trying to stand in the way of a man’s progress.

“Now they all use our services because we know how to get shit done.”

- Captain Scar-Dog

After a righteous defeat of the competition, a driven young captain developed an addiction to success. He took his single ship enterprise… and turned it into a thriving galactic force… At one time, there wasn’t a human being alive who didn’t sing the Event Horizons jingle at least once. Oh how things have changed.

Event Horizons took it’s most crippling downturn when Captain Scar-Dog insulted the Space Pope by calling him a fraud. He was also found to be having an affair with several high-ranking female athletes, all very large and married. The public lost faith, because apparently faith still exists in the future. And then, like many of the start-ups during the Stellar Revolution, Event Horizons lost it’s grip on the market it helped create.

Left with little else to do, Captain Scar-Dog once again invested his remaining cash into a single ship. Swearing off most kinds of drugs and Space Booze, the captain seeks new adventures. Where will he end up next? And with who???


When you march forth into the darkness and light, take no fear with you, for that is the destroyer of men, and we are conquerors of the unknown and all that lies beyond. We seek knowledge and truth, and we will face those who oppose us with a clenched fist, and welcome our friends with open arms or an outreaching hand. There is no victory to be had without sacrifice, and we will sacrifice to find reason in the chaos factory that is everything.



I. Prepare for any and all situations, good or bad.
  • Kiss your sweeties goodbye.
  • Pack an overnight bag.
II. We honor the laws of space and time.
  • The good of the company comes before all, even you.
  • Laws must be obeyed, unless they are the wrong kind of laws.
  • We offer peace, but fighting is acceptable if personal health is at risk.
  • Do not initiate conflict unless it is truly and honestly required.
  • Damage to company property will be frowned upon.
    1. Two written warnings before further disciplinary action is inflicted.
III. Love your ship like you love your mother.
  • Don’t be afraid to find the right ship for your own personal needs.
  • Modify your ship.
  • Cargo safety is crucial. Always protect your cargo.
IV. The junk in your trunk.
  • Transporting goods is serious business.
  • Make money as often as possible.
  • Never stop looking for the next big score.
V. The unknown is like a warm blanket to you.
  • Exploration is rewarded.
  • If you encounter something new and exciting, don’t shoot it unless it’s trying to eat you.
  • Keep going and going.
    1. If you haven’t reached the edge of the universe then you haven’t tried hard enough.
VI. Method to the Madness.
  • Trust your Supervisors.
  • Follow the Charter and all will be okay until you die.
  • Show the company that you care and the company will care for you.
  • If you don’t play nice you will be terminated.