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The only Co-op in the ‘verse!

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Nova Forge Industries is a player-run company in the universe of Star Citizen, dedicated to group play and team growth.


Nova Forge Industries (NFIND)
Date incorporated: Monday, June 15, 2950
Headquarters:Terra Prime > Terra > Terra

After working with Covalex for some time our founder, Nazeris Nova Cadian, saved up enough to buy his own ship, and continued to work hard until he was finally able to fulfill his childhood dream of owning his own transport company. So during the Terra summer season of 2950 he bought his very own Hull-C and started Nova Forge Industries.

Becoming the most trusted resource management provider by empowering our employees to reach their potential!

Official Discord:



At NOVA FORGE Industries we come from humble beginnings so we understand the impact of lifting others.
We are:
  • Corporate co-op structure
  • Dedicated to shared growth
  • Resource and trade-focused
  • Primary departments: Cargo, Mining, and Salvage
  • Weekly events and a variety of active times

If you have ever found yourself in need of extra support, whether that be an extra set of mining lasers, someone to help unload salvage crates, or just some good people to work in the ‘Verse with then put in your application today, and let us all build each other up!


This document outlines the high standards of NOVA FORGE Industries (henceforth “NFIND”) and helps us put them into practice. Our commitment to these standards is fundamental to our collective success. Please follow both the letter and spirit of this Code. If at any time you feel that this Code is not being followed or have any other questions or concerns please reach out to any Department Head as soon as possible. This Code applies to everyone at NFIND regardless of position, role, or tenure.

I. Serve Others
We believe in treating others how we want to be treated. This means showing kindness and humility in our words and actions, As well as showing empathy and patience when we feel we are treated unfairly. Always showing an attitude that is mild and considerate.

II. Work as a Team
Teamwork is the backbone of any successful organization and becomes more crucial as it grows. We show integrity and commitment to our work, and we strive to communicate effectively and listen attentively to others.

III. Maintain Confidentiality
While we work to be transparent we must also discern areas that require discretion. We do not disclose sensitive information related to our employees, operation, or key locations to anyone that is not entitled to that information.

IV. Protect Company Assets
Because we are an employee-owned company we all have a personal share in protecting company assets and reducing loss.
A. Intellectual Property: Information related to trade routes, company structure, the locations of employees or resources, internal documents, or any other information that is not public knowledge should be treated as confidential until a Department Head explicitly says otherwise.
B. Physical Assets: Human life is finite and should be protected at all costs. Additionally, ships, vehicles, mining and salvage equipment, protective equipment, weapons, ores, salvage, commodities, and any other company-owned or provided items should be treated with respect and steps must be taken to avoid any unnecessary loss.

V. Financial Integrity and Responsibility
We work hard to maintain accurate records, but steps also need to be taken to ensure success. We are often entrusted with company resources such as those discussed in the previous section.
A. Spending Company Funds: It’s important when submitting a request for funds or for reimbursement that we ensure the purchase we are making is for the direct use of the company.
B. Recording Transactions: If your job involves the financial recording of our transactions, such as reporting the cost of mining equipment or commodities for transport, ensure that you are familiar with all company policies that apply. Immediately report to Finance any transactions that you think are being recorded improperly.

VI. Obey The Law
NFIND takes seriously its responsibility to comply with laws and regulations and each of us is expected to follow applicable legal requirements and prohibitions. While no one can know all aspects of every applicable law, you are expected to understand the major laws and regulations that apply to your work.

VII. Conclusion
We rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold these high standards of unity and integrity for ourselves and our company. Each of us should be guided by both the letter and spirit of this Code.