The Mad Nomads / NMAD

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  • Exploration
  • Social

A Death Chapter

“Redemption, Honour and Glory; Only Upon Death”

For The Exiled and The Damned.


Brief History

The Mad Nomads Chapter started off as a Death Company in the Blood Angels. But as time passed, it became founded as a standalone chapter to which condemned or dishonoured Astartes from all over the Imperium were sent to. It is in this Chapter that their hopes of ever regaining their lost honour lies. If not, the stains of their tainted honour will be washed clean with blood upon their death, as they die in service to the Emperor.

The Chapter is usually tasked with missions of insurmountable odds that are imperative to the survival of the Imperium and its people. Missions undertaken by the Chapter are extremely dangerous and a survival rate of zero is almost always expected. In dire times, brave officers from other chapters would volunteer to spearhead missions that they very well know may be their last.

The Mad Nomads are the opposite of the Deathwatch. No glorification. No Ceremonies or Songs. Just the mission; and Death. They are the unsung heroes of the galaxy. A ragtag group of nomads whose sole purpose is to fulfill the objectives of such impossible missions in hopes of regaining their honour.

They know that the road to redemption for them, begins and ends with a glorious death on the battlefield.

Lore and Backstory

After opening their doors to other Space Marine Chapters to send their exiled Astartes into battle and/or death to redeem themselves in the eyes of the Emperor, the Blood Angels’ Death Company saw an unprecedented surge in their numbers.

While initially boosting their battle-readiness, the company’s effectiveness soon began dwindling as the Company Chaplain found himself unable to cope between controlling the many affected by the Black Rage, while simultaneously commanding the many more Marines under purgatory.

During a mission to reinforce a company of Ultramarines against a daemonic incursion led by the Great Unclean One Ku’Gath on Curwen, circumstances saw some of the Exiled Astartes running into members of their unit prior to the former’s sentencing. For reasons unclear – though it is believed that a heated exchange of words sparked physical altercation – the Exiled Astartes opened fire on their former comrades. The unexpected fratricide broke the concentration of the Chaplain who lost control of the Black Raged marines, resulting in mass hysteria on the battlefield.

As the mission was going awry, the unexpected arrival of the Grey Knights helped to turn the tide of misfortune. With their presence, the infighting was brought to an end in no time, before a counter-offensive was made to fend off the Heretics and push them back to a retreat. The Prisoner Marines were subsequently executed for their offences.

In light of the incident, leaders from the Blood Angels and Ultramarines, together with those from the Imperial Fists, Space Wolves and Dark Angels, gathered with representatives from the Inquisition to discuss a method to continue this exercise of purgatory that would avoid a repeat disaster.

It was decided that a new “Prison” chapter be founded to separate those under punishment from those under the Black Rage. As its primary purpose is the redemption of its inmates through battle, this new Chapter, much like Death Company, would be led by a High Chaplain to provide righteous and incorruptible supervision.

To serve as his advisors, four exemplary Astartes would be selected to form the Chapter Master’s Council: The Head of the Reclusiam, the Master of the Strategium, the Chief Librarian and a nominated battle-company Captain.

After much debate, High Chaplain Nomad Darmadeus of the Blood Angels was selected by majority vote to become the Chapter Master of this new formation. By his recommendation, First Chaplain Adamnon Kilgorius will serve as the Head of the Reclusiam, First Captain Alphark Arksenda was designated the Master of Strategium, Lector Norion was chosen as the Chief Librarian; and Captain Xeran Novium was nominated as the fourth member of the council. The Chapter was then designated the “Mad Nomads” after its master; and in the absence of its master, the chapter’s reigns would fall to the council.

In recent events, The Mad Nomads lost three-quarters of its Council during the Scions of Sanguinius Conclave. Commander Dante had summoned all of the Blood Angels’ Successor Chapters for a conclave on Baal following the near-disastrous Chapter civil war that nearly tore the Blood Angels apart. Dante called for the support of the Blood Angels Successors to help aid the Chapter in the protection of their common Primarch’s homeworld and his remains from the attack of both the Tyranids and the Forces of Chaos.

But a terrible event that was kept secret occured during the conclave that resulted in the deaths of First Chaplain Adamnon Kilgorius and Captain Xeran Novium. Dark whispers spoke of a failed experiment lead by an apothecarian corrupted by the forces of chaos triggered events that caused their deaths. Commander Dante further requested that First Librarian Lector Norion stayed with the Blood Angels Librarium to provide support in light of the oncoming assault by the Tyranid and the Forces of Chaos. Thinking to himself as if the death of his other Council members were not enough, The Mad Nomads Chapter Master begrudgingly agreed to Commander Dante’s request.

Having lost majority of its Council members, The Mad Nomads are now looking for new members for its council.


Warhammer Community

The Mad Nomads is mature community for all Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar and 40,000 fans.

We keep a respectful atmosphere for fans from all walks of life regardless of their background and beliefs.

We welcome all Loyalists, Xenos, Infidels, Traitors and Renegades to the community regardless of their physical construct and/or creed/belief.

As fans of the franchise, we already share a unique bond that is the love for a special kind of plastic that cures the ailment of having money to spend.

Mature Community (18+ Only)

Racism and other forms of disrespectful behavior towards both community and non-community members will not be tolerated.

Individuals will show dignity, honor and integrity both within and outside of the community.

We want to build a mature community where silly things like personal glory and ego do not get in the way.

We are all here to help each other; Be it playing games together and hunting for achievements, or discussing Warhammer codex and lore, to even sharing painting tips.

Communications Channel

We have our very own TeamSpeak 3 Channel for community members to utilize while playing games or discussing Warhammer related lore.

It is highly recommended for new community members to join our TeamSpeak 3 Channel and introduce themselves there and on our forums.

Another avenue to get to know other community members is by entering and chatting away in our Steam Group’s Group Chat!

We want to build a tight knit community where there are no strangers among us.

Unique Chapter

The Mad Nomads Community has its very own Loyalist Chapter complete with its own lore and history of founding.

Each member of The Mad Nomads will be receive a unique Forum Signature and Armor Visual to show off their Veterancy and Awards gained while serving the Chapter..

Honour Badges such as the Iron Skull, Imperial Laurels and Purity Seals will be added to members’ Armor as they show extraordinary courage and skill on the Battlefield.


I. Conduct

  • You are expected to frequent The Mad Nomads Website to get to know your fellow Battle Brothers.
  • Members will respect each other regardless of their age, gender, nationality, race, or religious beliefs.
  • Members will respect non-Mad Nomads personnel in the same way.
  • Members will show dignity, honor and integrity outside of the guild.
  • Any insult towards the member, another member or The Mad Nomads as a whole are to be ignored and left uncommented.
  • Good sportsmanship is mandatory at all times and in all situations.
  • No member will issue religious or political statements or respond to one of them.

II. No Cheating

  • No member will use, store, or test cheats1.
  • No member will glitch2.

III. Chain of Command

  • Always respect the Chain of Command during operations.
  • Chain of Command is as follows:

** Leaders: Commander / High Chaplain / Chief Librarian

** Command Officers: First Captain / First Chaplain / First Librarian / Captain

** Officers: Chaplain / Librarian

** First Champion / Champion

** Veteran Sergeant

** Sergeant / Scout Sergeant

** Veteran

** Death Marine

** Scout Marine (Initiate)

IV. Rank Progression

New Recruits will hold the rank of Initiate as a Scout Marine. Upon completing the recruitment trial, they will be promoted to the rank of Death Marine and be awarded the Red Saltire on their Right Pauldron. You can see the Rank Progression Table.

V. Honour Badges and Other Awards

Battle-Brothers who have proven their mettle in battle or have shown extraordinary courage and skill in combat will be awarded ornaments and adornments to be worn on their Armor. Such Awards include Relic Helmets, Iron Skulls, Blood Vials, Blood Chalices, Leg Ropes and Loin Cloths.

The list of awards can be seen on the Awards Page.

VI. Signatures

Battle-Brothers will receive their own signature with an avatar that reflects their Honour Badges and other Awards. On top of this, their avatar on the Chapter Roster Page will also change to reflect their awards.

Should the Awards on Signature and/or Chapter Roster needs to be updated, please send Nomad Darmadeus a PM.​

1 Cheats: Alterations of the official game code and files or any use of a program that is meant to give an advantage to players using it. i.e. wall-hacks, aim-bots, etc

2 Glitch: Use of any game behavior that is either unintended by the manufacturer in order to gain an advantage over others. Example: glitches in walls, rocks, etc