Paik-O-Nurr / NURR

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Security

You need someone who is in to vouch for you to get in. Yes, we do understand English.

(1) Strong self sufficient members make a strong self sufficient organization.
(2) You are pretty much free to do what you will as long as it does not bring down shit-storm down the neck of the rest of us.


Been there, done that.

We have been around. EVE Online (StarHunt [STRH] corporation), Planetside 2 (My Apologies Mate [MAM8]) and more. What unifies us is the shared experiences of the past both in victory and defeat, in joy and sadness. In the end we play the game for fun even if in times things can be “serious business”.


We are chill! And have fun. Most of the time. No drama ofc as we are chill.


Who’s asking?