Whispering Oak / OAK

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Scouting

The Whispering Oak is a scouting and exploration organization hellbent on promoting chaos by whispering the truth to those who need to hear it.


The Whispering Oak was an ancient religion that kept eyes and ear all around the galaxy, heavily involved in exploration and scouting, they gathered intel and infiltrated many powerful corporations, manipulation this information to start wars between them and keep chaos always rampant on it’s influenced systems, which in turn generated despair, unrest, war and credits to the corrupted cause.
One day the true roots of the Whispering Oak were revealed and a holy war followed. The members were no fighters and the Whispering Oak was quickly annihilated. The following peace brought serious repercussions in some systems that benefited from an epoch of strife, war and civil unrest.
After near extinction the Whispering Oak continues today openly pursing it’s goals, but only the true believers of chaos still follow this bankrupt and broken ideology, stained by it’s corrupt past.


Do you want to see the galaxy burn?
We aim to gather and spread to truth with the intention of promoting chaos.

Want certain information to reach a specific pilot ? We will to it for you and your identity will never be revealed.

Our ideal is promoting chaos as the engine of life, as stated in our holy words:
“Life is chaos.”


The agents of the Whispering Oak are often secretive about their membership and participate only in it’s information gathering, spying and intrigue aspects, often affiliated with other factions where they spend most of their time. Our dedicated members are our diplomats, scouts and explorers.
The Whispering Oak is open to all who share our ideal of promoting chaos as the engine of life.

Sympathizers recognize each other through the phrase: “Life is chaos”.
And it’s proper response: “Death is order”.