Spartans / ODINS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Security




In the beginning Spartans were known by their reputation for being the greatest military force to ever walk the earth. Their legend grew with every victory. Spartans optimized their tactics and through vigorous and often cruel ritual and training maintained themselves as the greatest military force on the planet. They only allowed the strongest to live among them. With every generation they grew stronger and stronger. Even in defeat there was victory. Eventually there was less and less need for war and they evolved into an enlightened community though the legends of their victories continued to live on. Through their victories the greatest empire was created and the age of enlightenment began.

During the age of enlightenment great wisdom and knowledge was gained and taught. Their military was still the greatest on earth and they began to spread their knowledge to those they deemed as barbaric by conquering them to promote knowledge throughout the land. As the Spartan legend spread so did the knowledge and the might of this new empire and most nations begged to join them. There was great peace and prosperity throughout most of the lands and knowledge was openly taught and wisdom was gained at every corner of civilization.

Centuries later they were still remembered and revered for being the most elite and disciplined fighting force to ever live as well as having great knowledge and wisdom and as such the most elite military organizations on earth adopted their mindset and culture into their training programs. This warrior culture known as the Spartans had been adopted by the most elite military forces on earth and carry their motto;“Come back with your shield – or on it” (Plutarch, Mor.241) . The iconic symbol of Spartans lived on and with every major victory of these elite forces the Spartan’s legend lived on.

These teachings and traditions carried on for centuries more into the dawn of the galactic age. During the first deep space exploration missions of the galactic age the elite UEE Marines and Navy carried these ideals and traditions and reorganized themselves once again as Spartans. As UEE Spartans explored and settled new lands they searched for more and more knowledge and taught their lessons to those they befriended. They were renowned for their tactical abilities as well as their vast knowledge of the verse and their inherent ability to perform any type of operation from security to smuggling, to settling, to mining and trading.

Today the Spartans have grown as an organization composed of the greatest UEE Marines, Navy, Engineers, Merchants, Freelancers and Explorers in the verse. Our mission; be a paramilitary force with the most elite minds in the verse of whom are still capable of performing any mission. Feared by our enemies and respected by our allies, we are Spartans.


As a spartan you will have the unique opportunity and honor of being able to utilize your skills and abilities in your roles as you see fit, the only requirement is that you adhere to the rules and regulations of the Spartan Code of Conduct.

It is our intent to have members in all roles of game play and to work together and share in the adventures as well as all the riches and spoils that come from them as well as growing the organization and it’s capabilities throughout the verse.

Roles are primarily based on which division(s) each member belongs to and that is based primarily on their preferred play styles and what they prefer to do. Members are encouraged to play as many or as few roles as they wish but need to try to remain as flexible to the overall needs of the organization as possible. As an example; if a member really only wants to race and do everything racing, that would be OK with the organization, however if the organization needed their particular skills for a “job or contract (organizational event)” such as information running and needed a pilot to run a fast ship as point carrying the precious cargo, we would expect that member to participate in that role for that event. Likewise if a pilot enjoys multiple roles ranging from mining to bounty hunting and the organization needed an extra miner or bounty hunter for an operation, we would expect that member to participate as needed. Because of the nature of Star Citizen and organizations, there will most likely need to be lots of cross role playing in order to conduct operations successfully and as such roles may need to be adjusted or vary from time to time in order to fulfill the organizations needs.

Whether your an engineer building and designing ships and weapons or a pirate pillaging where you can, as Spartans you will be expected to assist and help one another out where and when ever you can. Everyone has a part to play in the overall success of the organization and the growing of the community. This organizations primary mission is to be a fun organization with a variety of roles to give it’s members the best possible gaming experience within the Star Citizen Universe. As a member it is your responsibility to assist the organization where ever you can to do your part in ensuring the organizations success and to abide by the code of conduct. Also depending on your rank you will have all the expectations associated with that rank and it’s duties.

As Spartans we work together which means we provide security and backup for our own as well as assisting our members where and whenever we can. A community fund known as “The Bank”, will be used to fund operations as well as for purchasing items for new and loyal members alike. Some items will be purchased with “The Bank” funds and shared within the community for everyone to use while other items may be purchased and given to individuals as a reward for members loyalty and assistance. All members will be required to help build and maintain these funds and high ranking officers will have access to dispense funding where appropriate. Also members will have opportunities to make purchases using “The Bank” funds based on “Bank Credits” which will be earned by participating in different events as well as donating a proceed of 5% for all individual endeavors.

In order to keep “The Bank” well funded and to provide funding for various operations and equipment while also being able to reward loyal members and growing the organization, there will be “Taxes” on profits gained by members and groups. All individual profits, or profits made while playing solo or in small groups of non planned events, will need to donate 5% of their profits to “The Bank” as a “Tax”. Any and all division planned and led events will be “Taxed” 25% on all profits earned and donated to “The Bank”. All organization planned or sponsored events will require 50% of all profits be paid in “Taxes” and donated to “The Bank”. Note profits represent all remaining currency or spoils after all operational expenses are paid in full. There will be a “Pay Scale Calculator” which will compute who gets paid what and how much should be put into the bank based on the “Credits Earned” versus “Operational Expenses Paid”. If there aren’t any “Credits” remaining after all “Operational Expenses” are paid in full then you will not be required to put any credits into “The Bank”. “The Bank” will be the lifeblood of the organization because it will allow the organization to take on various types of missions and give members opportunities that they might not be able to have otherwise. An example would be; lets say a group of members would like to start up a freelance role within the organization where they perform search and rescue operations for clients whom experience “problems” while out in the verse. They would need ships and resources to be able to start up such an operation and this could all be funded using credits from the “Bank” to purchase such ships, equipment and what ever else is needed as “community items”. Likewise lets say members have been having some bad luck with pirates and can’t afford to repair their ships or need better ship upgrades etc… They could get credits from the “Bank” to cover these costs. Also it will cost members credits to do any manner of things throughout the verse, whether it be hunting fugitives or mining for resources; such endeavors could be funded through the “Bank” as “loans” and paid back upon completion of such missions. Really the thought behind the “Bank” is to allow members to be able to do all the things they want to in the verse without having to worry too much about how they will fund it as well as being able to use the funds to purchase ships and other supplies to be used by the organization in order to further game play experience for everyone. Any special rewards for loyal players will also be purchased using funds obtained from the bank. The larger the purse in the “Bank”, the more options the organization will have to not only expand the organizations roles but also to reward the members of the organization for their hard work and dedication. Also there will be a point system where everyone will earn “Bank Credits”, which they can use to purchase items like ships, weapons or whatever else they want using funds from “The Bank”. “The Bank” is not intended to be a slush fund where your hard earned credits are either spent on ridiculous items, nor is it meant to be used for “making certain members rich” and any mismanagement of “The Bank” funds will call for immediate banishment from the organization and can call for further future retribution.

SPARTAN DIVISIONS: Intelligence Division (SI)
  • Exploration * Griffin Squadron – Explores universe to discover uncharted systems and map jump points * Manticore Squadron – Explore known universe and planets for intelligence and resources
  • Infiltration * Mamba Squadron – Infiltrate enemy space and planets for intelligence gathering
  • Scouting * Basilisk Squadron – Reconnaissance of space and planets for threats and resources
Operations Division (SO)
  • Resources * Pegasus Squadron – Mining and collecting resources as well as salvage operations
  • Smuggling * Satyrs Squadron – Smuggling any type of cargo all over universe
  • Trading * Aegaeon Squadron – Explore universe and planets for resources
  • Transport * Scylla Squadron – Transport people or goods anywhere in the universe
Tactical Division (ST)
  • Security * Cerberus Squadron – Provide security and conduct combat operations
  • Bounty Hunting * Lamia Squadron – Track and capture enemies of the verse
  • Freelancing * Kraken Squadron – Mercenary work of any kind for hire
  • Quick Reaction Force * Talos Squadron – Immediate response team able to respond to defend any and all assets that come under attack at a moments notice.
Special Division (SS)
  • Racing * Thunderbolt Squadron – Private racing team
  • Engineering * Hydra Squadron – Design and build ships and weapons

Rank will be awarded based on several factors and members with higher ranks will have more responsibilities within the organization. Each organizational division will have it’s hierarchy of rank structure and it will operate similar to how rank structure works in the military. Members of any and all ranks will be subject to receive awards and rewards for their dedication and participation within their divisions and within the organization, however higher ranked members will receive greater rewards than lower ranked members because of the greater duties and responsibilities they will have. Any and all members who wish to rise in rank will be able to do so fairly easily but will be required to fulfill all of the extra responsibilities and obligations associated with their duties. All rank descriptions and responsibilities apply when members are logged in and playing Star Citizen.

While we do not expect everyone to be hard core gamers or to be on at least a few nights a week, we do expect members to fulfill their duties and responsibilities when they are logged in and gaming in Star Citizen.

2nd Lieutenant:
Newest pilots to the organization with little to no experience and have the least amount of responsibility. 2nd Lieutenants will be encouraged to participate in organizational events as well as to help out the organization whenever needed. 2nd Lieutenants should also strive to participate in as many divisional events as possible to gain experience and to prove their loyalty to the organization.

1st Lieutenant:
Seasoned pilots within the organization whom have proven themselves worthy of mentor-ship roles and demonstrate limited responsibility. 1st Lieutenants will be required to participate in at least some organizational events as well as participating in as many of the divisional events as possible, especially when those events are directly related to their job roles.

Seasoned pilots within the organization whom have proven themselves loyal and worthy of leadership and tactical roles within their division(s) and as such are granted much more responsibility and limited command authority. Captains will be required to participate in most organizational events and in some cases responsible for conducting operations for the division(s) in order to help inspire teamwork and comradery and to inspire members to become more involved within the organization as well as to help maintain the “Bank” for the future success of the organization.

Senior pilots within the organization whom have proven themselves loyal and worthy of great responsibility as well as command authority within their division(s) and as such are granted much more responsibility and high levels of command authority. Majors will be required to participate in most organizational events and will be responsible for conducting operations for the division(s) in order to help inspire teamwork and comradery and to inspire members to become more involved within the organization as well as to help maintain the “Bank” for the future success of the organization.

Most senior pilots within the organization whom have proven themselves loyal and worthy of the greatest responsibilities as well as the greatest command authorities within their division(s) and as such are granted the highest levels of responsibility as well as the highest levels of command authority within their division(s). Colonels will be required to participate in as many organizational events as possible and to be available to members within their division(s) when ever possible. Colonels are responsible for scheduling, managing and leading events within the division(s) to inspire teamwork and comradery within all the lesser ranks and to promote fun and loyalty within the organization, take care of any problems or disputes that may arise and to reward those whom have proven loyalty to the organization. Colonels will also be directly responsible for continually conducting operations in order to provide direct funding for the “Bank” and expanding the ranks of the organization.

Most senior pilots and officials within the organization whom have gone above and beyond all expectations and have proven themselves worthy of making decisions at the organization level for any and all of the divisions within the organization. As a General you are expected to be responsible for any and all organizational matters at any level within any division. Generals are also required to participate when ever possible in any event and to provide mentor ship where applicable. It is the General’s responsibility and duty to ensure the morale is kept high amongst members, take care of any problems or disputes that may arise, reward those whom have proven loyalty to the organization, responsible for scheduling, managing and leading events with the division(s) to inspire teamwork and comradery within all the lesser ranks and to promote fun and loyalty within the organization, directly responsible for continually conducting operations in order to provide direct funding for the “Bank” and expanding the ranks of the organization. Generals will also be the voice of the organization and will be responsible for coordinating with allied organizations and scheduling cross organizational events.

Events are defined as operations or missions members conduct and participate in within the organization’s groups, primarily in the pursuit of obtaining spoils and or practicing as a team to gain experience in game play and working together as a team. There are 3 levels of events which are used to categorize the operations; Division, Organization and Affiliation. Events will be a good and fun way to participate within the organization and gain valuable experience in game. All members are encouraged to setup, schedule and make suggestions on events to be conducted within the scope of the divisions, organization and or affiliates. An example would be if members would like to capture and maintain either a Bengal Carrier or some kind of mining post or maybe simply capture some scythes to divvy up amongst members as trophies etc…

All job structures will be organized individually by classification, but each individual class will also work in conjunction with other job classes as per mission goals and requirements. Ranks and roles will play a very important part of cooperative play and the “Bank” will be a powerful resource to optimize players experiences.

All items wherein are subject to change due to game mechanics etc..
Remember, you are a Spartan first and as such will be expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct no matter your role.



ARTICLE I: General Conduct
Spartans are required to conduct themselves in a professional manner and will be held to the highest possible standards. As a Spartan you will never steal nor cheat one of our own nor will you attack, harm or otherwise disrespect a fellow Spartan or affiliate in any way, shape or form. No malicious behavior or actions towards another Spartan or affiliate will be tolerated and will be subject to immediate banishment and possibly further sanctioned retaliation from the organization and affiliates. Spartans are bound by our law to always aid fellow Spartans whenever and where ever they can. As a Spartan you will be required to always work together as a team or cohesive unit and to always have each others back. Any and all issues with other Spartans or affiliates will be reported to and handled by ranking officers within the Spartan Organization only. No Spartan should ever discuss or otherwise involve outsiders in organizational affairs or disputes and furthermore, no Spartan should ever disclose any internal information or strategy to anyone outside the organization unless previously authorized to do so. Failure to comply with any of these regulations will result in punishment under ARTICLE VI.

A Spartan’s loyalty is measured by their overwhelming commitment to one another as well as the organization. As stated under ARTICLE I of the Spartan Code of Conduct, Spartans are required to work together as a team and as such their loyalty is measured by their dedication to their teammates as well as to their level of commitment to further the organization’s success as a whole. This includes participation in division events, organizational events, training, assisting teammates and raising funds for the organization and its members. Spartans must always remain true and loyal to one another and are not authorized to turn one another in to the authorities for any reason unless otherwise given specific approval by the highest ranking officers only.

All Spartans will be required to participate in at least some division and organization level events. During such events all Spartans will be required to follow all orders issued to them by their respective chains of command and must work together as a team or they may be subject to punishment under ARTICLE VI of the SCOC. Members will respect one another and will behave in a professional and courteous manner or they will be subject to punishment under ARTICLE VI of the SCOC. A percentage of all profits made during any and all events will go to the “Bank” for funding and the remainder will be split amongst all the participated members. Refer to ARTICLE IV of the SCOC for a detailed breakdown of event funding.

All Spartans will be required to assist in the funding of the organization “Bank” through participation in events as well as paying an individual tax from profits they make from either playing solo or in groups. The tax breakdown is for the profit obtained after expenses and is as follows; individual 5%, division 25% and organization 50%. Any Spartans who refuse to willfully participate in the organization funding or those whom abuse the “Bank” funds will be subject to punishment under ARTICLE VI of the SCOC and may be banished from the organization.

ARTICLE V: Officers
Spartan officers will be expected and required to respect and follow all lawful orders given to them by superior officers and as such all senior level officers will be expected and required to treat their subordinates with respect and courtesy. Any senior level officers whom abuse their position or standing will be immediately stripped of their rank and could face massive punishment or possible banishment from the organization. All officers are required to not only follow the code of conduct but are also responsible for enforcing it. All offenses should be brought up the chain of command where the command officers and general officers will work in conjunction with the accusing officer as well as the offending officer to reach a suitable punishment(s) which are outlined in ARTICLE VI of the SCOC. Punishments will not be taken lightly and will only be administered where and when the tribunal of command and general officers previously outlined deem appropriate and necessary.

ARTICLE VI: Punishment
There will be various forms of punishment depending on the nature of the offense, the seriousness of the offense and the frequency of offenses by the offender which have warranted punishment. Most punishments will be minor and will consist of either a warning or require a certain amount of organizational service events (much like community service) where the individual will be required to participate in a certain number of division and or organization events to prove their loyalty and make penance for their indiscretions. In some cases the offender may receive both a warning as well as be required to perform organizational service. Depending on the severity and or frequency of offenses, the offender may also be required to forfeit some or all of their earnings during the organizational service to “The Bank” or pay a single fine, refer to ARTICLE VII for further explanations and requirements of paying fines. In the case of serious offenses or multiple frequent offenses, the offender may be required to pay substantial fines to “The Bank” and or forfeit any or all “Loyalty Items” given to them by the organization where they did not spend their “Spartan Credits” as well as being required to fulfill a large number of organizational service. Failure to comply with any punishment may result in banishment from the organization as well as authorized future sanctioned retaliation by the organization or it’s members.

There will be two main types of fines. The first type is your typical pay a one time fee and be done with it where as the second type is more of a payment plan fine where the member will be required to make multiple payments in order to meet their financial obligation. This payment plan fine will be reserved for those whom cannot afford the fine imposed but are willing to work to meet their obligation in a timely manner versus being banished from the organization. Fines will be calculated based on a number of factors but mainly will be driven based on; 1.) the nature and seriousness of the violation, 2.) the amount of damage caused by the individual and paid for by the organization via “The Bank”, 3.) the damage done to the reputation of the organization and or it’s members, 4.) the offenders frequency of violations and 5.) command and generals discretion. Like punishments, fines will not be taken lightly and will only be administered where and when the tribunal of command and general officers previously outlined under ARTICLE V of the SCOC deem appropriate and necessary.

ARTICLE VIII: Banishment
Any member who is banished will lose all rights, titles and protections from the Spartan organization and may be deemed as an enemy to the organization whereby the organization may authorize future sanctioned retaliation events or revenge missions against such individuals for their betrayal. Banishment is reserved as the harshest of punishments given only to those whom have displayed great disregard for the organization and or it’s members or have caused great harm to the organization or it’s members. Only the Founder has the explicit authority to banish a member from the organization, however if all of the colonels and generals determine that a member needs to be banished they together have the authority to banish that member from the organization. With that said, every member of the organization does have a say as to whether or not a member gets banished and if members are having problems with an individual it is their right to bring it up the chain of command for review and it will be taken under advisement as a main determining factor as to whether or not that individual will be banished.