The Odom Corporation / ODOM

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Security

Here at The Odom Corporation, All we care about is your money!


Who we are

Our Mission

Here at The Odom Corporation, All we care about is your money! This is not just another catchy slogan devised by a corporate marketing team, this is a promise! The Odom Corporation will do everything in its power to ensure that it receives its paycheck. When you’re making money, We are making money!

Now you might be wondering, “What does The Odom Corporation do?”
The Odom Corporation is mainly focused in the Security and Transportation of goods. We have a highly experienced team entirely devoted to the concept of and the making of, Money! If you’re interested in making as much money as possible then this may be a good place for you!

The Odom Corporation is divided up into seven different departments. These departments all feed into one another and contribute to the corporations primary focus of protecting and transporting goods. The departments are as follows:

Department of Human Resources

Department Mission:

The Human Resources department provides the corporation the necessary personnel to carry out the admin work of running a corporation. HR Officers make sure Employees are getting paid, issue standard gear and weapons, respond to requests, and overall assist in the “paper work” that comes with a corporation.

Department of Transportation

Department Mission:

When you need a shipment of medical supplies sent to the outer most reaches of the cosmos, a Odom Corporation Employee will be the Citizen to call. Our Employees can deliver any item, no matter the time or place.

Any. Item. No matter the time or place!

Department Services:

  • Transport:
    Odom Corporation cargo ships can reach any location. When hired on we make sure your deliveries arrive in one piece. Our expert security teams will make sure your cargo is safe.

Department of Mining

Department Mission:

The Odom Corporation’s Department of Mining is all about destroying massive rocks. These rocks provide the corporation with valuable ores that are then refined, transported, and sold by our fleet of cargo ships.

Department Services:

  • Mining:
    Found a deposit of agricium? Maybe you found copper? It does not matter to the Odom Corporation. All Ore is valuable! We will ship it all to our refineries!
  • Refining:
    Our cargo vessels can transport your ores to any refinery station or one of our refineries can do the job for you!

Department of Exploration

Department Mission:

Our explorers are professionals when it comes to locating deposits of valuable resources. The Odom Corporation Department of Exploration has assets that will support any exploration mission. Whether you are trying to find the next big jump point or trying to locate the largest deposit of ores discovered yet, the Odom Corporation will support your travels!

Department of Salvage

Department Mission:

The Department of Salvage has one mission. To secure the corporation’s valuable assets after destruction of its property. When a corporation ship goes down, salvage teams are tasked with bringing back all Odom Corporation property, at any cost.

Department of Bounties

Department Mission:

When an individual is marked down by the corporation as a enemy of the corporation, the Department of Bounties is tasked with hunting down the aggressors. When no enemies exist, Bounty Hunters may pursue any UEE bounty.

Department of Security

Department Mission:

Do you need protection from those evil low class hooligans? Getting attacked at your mining claim? Need to safely move goods from one place to another? Our employees are here for you! Our employees are there for you whether you’re in need of a combat pilot or in need of an insertion team.

Department Services:

  • Protective Services:
    Our Employees are experts when it comes to protecting cargo or people! Trying to pass through a known dangerous area of space? Want to make sure your goods make it from point A to B? Do you need an escort for a contract? Look no further than the Odom Corporations Protective Services.
  • Aggressive Negotiations:
    Are you having trouble convincing a group of pirates to leave you alone? Do you need to convince someone that your way is the right way? Then let the Odom Corporation negotiate for you!

The Team

  • Mr. Odom:
    Mr. Odom is descended from the creator of the Odom Corporation. He is the majority shareholder of the company and the Chairman of the Board of Investors. The word of Mr. Odom is law!
  • Chief Executive Officer:
    The CEO runs the in and outs of the corporation. Planning events and operations, providing funding for the departments and heading the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
  • Director:
    The Directors run each department of the Odom Corporation. They distribute ships to employees, track funding needed for their department, and plan events and operations for employees to make money.
  • Manager:
    Managers here at the Odom Corporation are employees who have volunteered to take on extra responsibility during operations. Managers supervise and lead small teams of employees during Odom Corporation sanctioned operations.
  • Employee:
    The core of any Odom Corporation operation, these loyal and devoted Citizens earn the Odom Corporation money while receiving Odom Corporation benefits! Employees fill every role under the sun! Freighter pilots, engineers, shipboard security, ground assault teams, boarding parties, fighter pilots, medics, gunners, salvage teams, mining operators, and more!

Operations and Events

  • Operation and Event Process
    In order for an operation to begin, a director from one of the departments will begin gathering information on what they would like done. Once mission needs are known the director will coordinate with the other directors for supplies. The director will then post an announcement giving the details of the mission. These details will include items such as Where, When, Why, How, How many employees are needed, and what gear those employees should bring. When zero hour arrives, the employees carry out the plan.

Benefits and Programs

  • The Odom Corporation offers a multitude of benefits and programs to its employees.


  • Issued Standard weapons and gear! You get to choose between Light, Medium, and Heavy Variants!
  • Payment in aUEC!
  • Access to Corporation Events and Operations!
  • Access to corporate ships!


  • Employee of the Month!
  • Did you perform well this month? Did you make the corporation large sums of money? Maybe you helped fellow employees through tough situations or maybe you gave up a lot of time to help new people through the Verse. If any of these apply to you then you can qualify for Employee of the Month!
  • As a reward for your performance you will receive a set ONE time bonus!
  • Profit Sharing!
  • If the company exceeds the month’s set goal for profits, then all employees will benefit! Portions of the excess profit gained will be distributed evenly as a bonus for everyone’s hard work!


In the year 2015 a young Businessman by the name of Mr. Odom began to create a small online repair service, by the name of The Odom Corporation. This online programming and repair service would grow until it reached its peak in 2026. That is when he had a thought. Power in the modern day was not bought with sword and lance, but rather money. Everything revolved around money. We were all born into a system were money dictated every bit of our life, from the moment we are born until the moment we die. This revelation helped shaped the Manifesto of The Odom Corporation. No longer did Mr. Odom see value in material goods, but rather the abstract concept of money. He adapted his corporation to making the most profit possible at every cost. By the year 2121, The Corporation had evolved to encompass a large Security and Resource Division[Trading] , which today makes up its heart. The Corporation does a little of everything, but has since moved on since its humble roots to the Universe. This move has brought challenges and danger at every turn, but The Odom Corporation knows that anything can be solved with enough money!



  • The Odom Corporations primary means of communication!

Odom Corporation Communications System (OCCS)


Mr. Odom first realized the Purpose of the Odom Corporation in the galaxy long ago, and today we follow his creed he set forth for us:

Peace is a lie, there is only Chaos
Through Chaos, I gain Influence
Through Influence, I gain Power
Through Power, I gain Money
Through Money, My chains are broken
Money Shall grant me Immortality


All members are expected to follow the 10 commandments set by Mr. Odom and his descendants.

1. Do not harm The Odom Corporation, Corporation Employees or Clients of The Odom Corporation.

2. Racism, Bullying, or Disrespect of another employee or citizen will not be tolerated.

3. All Employees must value money above all else.

4. All employees will abide by the RSI LLC Terms of Service and EULA.

5. All Employees will abide by the Codex of The Odom Corporation.

6. Employees are expected to dedicate themselves to the making of money, their fellow employees, and the profitability of the corporation.

7. Employees are permitted to take action to defend the corporation without supervisor permission, if they deem necessary.

8. Any transgression against an employee of The Odom Corporation, is a transgression against the corporation itself.

9. Stealing from The Odom Corporation, whether it be monetary or assets, is strictly forbidden.

10. Failure to carry out the Authorized Work given by Management will result in administrative action.