Old Hanks Trading Company / OHTC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Trading

Feel free to browse the member list and check our Recruitment section if you wish to join us. Old Hanks Trading Company (OHTC) is a security and trading corporation. Our business is staying out of yours.


Old Hanks Trading Company was founded in 2012 as a small community of avid gamers. Originally formed by a core group of diabolical Arma 2 Wasteland and DayZ mod players under the banner of the Free People of Chernarus, Old Hanks Trading Company has evolved into an eclectic group of gamers who play everything from RPGs, tabletop games, first person shooters like Escape From Tarkov, strategy games like Anno, Civilization and a mixture of other genres. The gaming tastes of our member runs across the full spectrum, but at our heart we are a group of like-minded opinionated people who enjoy games, be they slaughtering the minions of Hell or fighting off the opposing faction in most FPS games.

When Star Citizen and Squadron 42 were announced, we can became instant fans as most of us enjoy space sims and have played Wing Commander, Star Lancer and Freelancer. Most of us have a deep-seated love of science fiction and fancy spaceships.


Old Hanks Trading Company’s motto is “Our Business Is Staying Out Of Yours.” We have two primary purposes, increase the amount of credit in our pockets and provide security escort and protection for fledgling pilots.

Our goals are simple, OHTC will move your goods for you at an agreeable price or you can hire our pilots to escort your merchant vessels. Our pilots can also be hired for “aggressive negotiations” with your competition if it becomes necessary.

At heart, our goal is to expand, explore and enrich ourselves by providing top service to our members and to our business partners. Need a group of fighters to protect your traders or miners? We can help. Want to track down bounties? We have the expertise and the ships. The universe is the limit.


Old Hanks Trading Company…Our Business Is Staying Out Of Yours!