• Club
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

We Fly Under the Black flag as forever we are free,
The day we Repent is in no future we see,
The Stars shall be our playground so forever you will be,
wondering if we are out there on a Hunt & Seek.

Quote By BioMechanical


Only Pixels Gaming Community has been around for quite some time, we have played many games and always did well at working together to do the best we could at every game we played as a company, guild or a org. Just to list some of the games we have played they are Black desert, Guild Wars 2, Archeage, New World and many many more.

We came to Star Citizen once we first heard it announced and we followed it since. We have so many fun memories and we all have made many new friends since coming to Star Citizen, the last Citizencon we went to we had people from the org meeting up which was incredible to see.

Below is some of the fun moments that our members and leadership have had being part of Only Pixels.

So i remember we was heading out on a scouting mission trying to find our next potential target to steal from. We came to a outpost on Daymar, where we found a fully stocked caterpillar with a 4 fighter Escort. They where just starting to head out from this outpost after picking up some rare materials filling the caterpillar to the brim. it was that full that if a door was open they would have to worry about cargo falling out. So we sent in our fighters and battle pursued, without loosing any of our fighters we took down all of the caterpillars escorts. we then took down the shields with a EMP and the caterpillar started to full towards the surface of the moon. We sent in another EMP which 100% made it crash down onto the surface, the caterpillar then slid across the ground crashing into a rock which then stopped it going any further. we then sent in our fighters to destroy the ships engines to prevent it from being able to take off and get away.

We then sent in our 3 cutlass blacks with full boarding teams on each, we blew open the doors on the caterpillar and boarded the ship killing everyone on board. we tried to ransom the captain but he was not happy, so ended up killing him with style :D

Back then we had to blow the ship up to get access to the cargo and it place every individual bit of material into its own very small little box, so you can imagine that was hundreds of boxes everywhere which we had to pick up by hand one at a time and move it onto the ships, took us a couple of hours but was worth it. The Image in the background for our org page here, is the caterpillar i am talking about with all the cargo scattered across the floor.

The Death Dogs Timeline (LORE)

25th Century

The Death Dogs began as a small but infamous motorcycle club on Earth in the late 25th century, during a time of escalating social unrest in the Stanton system. The club’s founder, Marcus “Razor” Omar, was a former soldier disillusioned by the corruption and decay within the United Empire of Earth (UEE). Razor’s military background, coupled with the deepening societal divide between corporate-controlled planets and impoverished citizens, laid the foundation for the Death Dogs’ formation.

In the gritty urban outskirts of Lorville on Hurston, a place rife with inequality, Razor gathered a group of outcasts—veterans, street fighters, and former factory workers. The club was a response to the overreach of megacorporations like Hurston Dynamics, whose exploitation of laborers left many people marginalized. The Death Dogs quickly became a rebellious symbol, engaging in illegal street races, smuggling, and contract hits for underground criminal syndicates. Their logo, a pair of snarling jackal heads, symbolized their ferocity and independence from corporate control.

The Death Dogs operated on the fringes of society, finding their niche in black market trade and small-time piracy in the Stanton system. Due to the collapse of local authorities on Hurston due to internal corruption and corporate greed provided a perfect opportunity for the club to grow. The Death Dogs expanded into larger smuggling operations across Stanton and Pyro, notorious for their disregard of the law.

26th Century

By the 26th century, the discovery and colonization of the Pyro system marked a pivotal moment for the Death Dogs. Pyro, with its unregulated space and lawless atmosphere, was the ideal environment for the club to thrive. The system, once a mining hub established by Pyrotechnic Amalgamated, had fallen into disrepair after the company’s bankruptcy. As the system’s infrastructure decayed, criminal elements began to take over, especially around Ruin Station, which became a haven for outlaws, smugglers, and pirates.

After the Pyro system was officially abandoned by the UEE due to its dangerous star and lack of stable resources, The Death Dogs saw a golden opportunity. They relocated to Pyro, where they shifted from being a Motorcycle club to a powerful PMC (Pirate Motorcycle Club). The Death Dogs began raiding corporate ships passing through Pyro’s jump points, including those belonging to megacorporations from Stanton. Their knowledge of Pyro’s many asteroid belts and derelict stations made them a force to be reckoned with in the system.

This lead to the club adding the Name Pyro to the bottom of the Clubs patch, as this is where they felt they was reborn.


30th Century

By 2954, the leadership of the Death Dogs passed to Razor’s descendant, Skinner Omar, who was far more brutal than his predecessor. Skinner, born aboard one of the gang’s refitted starships, grew up immersed in the violent, lawless culture of Pyro.

Under new leadership, the Death Dogs became infamous for their attacks on corporate freighters and convoys, especially targeting the Stanton system. They developed a reputation for ruthlessness, using captured UEE technology to improve their ships and weaponry.

The new leadership transformed the Death Dogs from a rebellious biker gang into one of the most feared pirate organizations in the galaxy. they introduced a code of loyalty, honor, brutality, and dominance.

There goal is to try and unite the lawless factions of Pyro together under a common goal, protect whats ours and screw the rest.


The Death Dogs throughout the century’s has firmly established themselves as one of the most powerful and feared organizations in the system. Their influence extended far beyond the system, raiding corporate vessels and mercenary ships alike. Their headquarters became a symbol of their dominance, while their fleet, known as the “Anubis,” prowled the stars, keeping their violent legacy alive.

The Death Dogs’ place in history, is not just as pirates, but as the ultimate expression of rebellion against the UEE and corporate control, a legacy of blood, metal, and lawlessness.


Death Dogs is an international pirate Syndicate whose focus is Survival by any means possible.

We’re dedicated to becoming good at what we do and to support members into the positions they see themselves enjoying doing. We then work together to improve on what we know and learn new things together so we will come out with capable combatants, master strategists and tacticians and much more.

The primary goal is to have fun playing Star Citizen, whilst maintaining a level of organization and structure that will help us to succeed in multiple different situations.

We value loyal, dedicated and motivated members who are not afraid to get their hands dirty but also know how to treat people with respect.

We plan to start doing weekly org events where we will take part in doing many different things obviously with a focus around piracy.

If you have any questions contact me via Spectrum


These are the rules and expectations as set by the orgs leadership.

Follow directions First and foremost, Please follow the plans and structure that the leadership have in place for the org, we do not want to see people joining and instantly trying to change things with no approval, we are always open to ideas and to suggestions in ways to make the org a better experience for all.

Have a pledge package for Star Citizen Remember in order to join any organization, Star Citizen requires you to have a pledge package for the game. Remember Having Squadron 42 is not necessary. You will also need to have the game installed and up to date, as we are looking for members that want to play with us now, so we can get better at working as a team and to have fun crazy experiences from now all the way to launch and beyond.

Treat others how you want to be treated Everyone in Only Pixels is to treat each other with respect. Having a joke is ok so long as it doesn’t become malicious. Anyone caught being malicious to any other member within Only Pixels will be answering to the orgs leadership as to why they should be allowed to stay as a member.

Org events As an org are open to any of our members wanting to set up and create events for the org, us as leadership also plans to create events for all members also. All we ask is that once someone has taken the time to organize an event, Please do your best to let that person know if you’re able to attend or not.

Communicate and be social with other members We use discord. Everyone needs to have a mic and be able to use it. I understand people being shy to start off with, you don’t need to talk all of the time, but communication is essential.

These rules and expectations can and will be updated as necessary.