Outer Planets Alliance / OPALLIANCE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Smuggling

The Outer Planets Alliance or OPA operates primarily as a transport of resources and people. smuggling weapons and things as needed to stay in the fight. our organization will not be dismissed as outlaws we will become our own people outside the UEE law. https://www.facebook.com/OuterPA


The Outer Planets Alliance, abbreviated OPA, is an organization that started its life as a labor union or advocacy group, fighting for the interests of inhabitants living on the outer edges of UEE control , often in direct conflict with the UEE. they have struggled for decades to retract from the UEE who treats them as slave labor and second rate citizens.


The intentions of the OPA are simple. We are here to establish our independence from UEE control. their tyrannical misuse of the outer planets resources and man power that began with our ancestors is unacceptable. without us they could not maintain their lavish lifestyles that they have took for granted for a millennia. this must end with us, this generation will not stand idly by while they rob us of our birthright. the outer planets.

(we want to try to become part of the Star Citizen history as our own independent government. a unorthadox rough neck society that is seen as a needle in the UEEs ass if you will. lol its all in good fun. something to keep the UEE from being the all-powerful government the guys at CIG are making it sound like it will be in the final release.)

“there’s the OPA then there’s the OPA.” there are many groups that affiliate with the OPA and claim to have our same ideology in mind. these citizens seek the very things we do, although misguided they are our brothers and sisters. we must not allow there misguided ways sway the rest of the verse into the idea that we are anything other than our own independent governing body. (the idea here is to establish a foot hold in all corners of the verse. this includes the more criminal and terrorizing aspects of the game. our hope is to have smaller groups of OPA orgs thats sole purpose is for pirating and things of that nature but still carry with it the OPA name.)

we are not terrorist but we will do what has to be done to break free of our oppressors.

(we are here to have fun, the main org isnt ment to be a crime syndicate but more of a legitimate operation with some rough edges. with that said, all members will be well within their rights to play however they like. as we are to painfully aware, even the real life forms of government have their darker sides. also, a form of government should have an operational standing in all forms of trade so have at it. anything goes for our members.)


Rules? Rules seems more UEE than OPA, Codes of honorable conduct are what we live by.

First and For most, The OPA do not cower in the face of opposition. If someone is looking for a fight, show them your strength. We will stand our ground when threatened.

We are not criminals but, when the opportunity arises to score from a job that is otherwise frowned upon take it, but do not get caught. The strength in the OPA depends on our influence on The Verse. Do not threaten it with your failures.

Our control on trade routes and information is paramount to the success of our cause. there is nothing dishonorable about taking the smaller, safer jobs when necessary. legitimate trade agreements will keep us off the bounty lists. you would do wise to consider this. however, more seasoned experience pilots should make moves on the more… estranged job opportunities when they arise.

The power of the OPA is top priority for all of its members, if you invest your time… and credits into the organization, you will be rewarded for it. The command of a powerful capital ship may be in a most prestigious members future.