Omnicern / OPEM

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Welcome to Omnicern. We hope you have a pleasant stay.


Omnicern Pharmaceutical was founded by three entrepreneurs in 2937 as a exploratory medical venture researching new forms of medicine synthesized from foreign xenobiology.

Over the last eight years we have made many advances in the processing and delivery methods for many substances.

Omnicern mobile labs operate around the clock to synthesize and prototype new forms of treatment for various known illnesses such as Kilos’ Malady to which there is no known treatment. Our elite team of analysts and biochemists are constantly coming up with new, exciting ideas! As a relatively new venture into the realms of medical science and technology Omnicern is constantly looking for new talent. We would love to hear what you can bring to the team!


Omnicern seeks to make advances in the medical field to better the human experience and improve on current technology. Omnicern primarily operates on the edge of known space looking for new samples of xenobiology to develop new substances and chemicals for medical or applicable purposes.

Omnicern also dabbles in the prototyping of ship components as a secondary venture. Primarily, however; Omnicern concerns itself with operating a clean, lawful, well executed and profitable business model centered around medical R&D.

As a supplier of life saving materials we seek to provide fair costs for our products and strive towards cures for the incurable and whatever else may ail you.


Dream Big.

  • Omnicern Operates under a strictly internal code of conduct.