Oretani Data Services / ORDS

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

We are a mercenary-squad doing nearly anything for the right amount of UEC!
From Security-Jobs and Deliveries to scouting areas or Jumppoints.

The future is made of Profit and we will take it!


The Oretani Dataservices were found in 2639, as a Data collection and transportation Corporation. In the following years it has grown into an intelligence agency for the local government.
When the Jump Point to the Oretani system collapsed, the head of the OR-DS has been outside of the system, so the agency could continue on. Now without the support of the government it returned to it’s core of Data collection and transportation, but remained it’s military characteristics.
At the turn of the 29th century with the change of Leadership the OR-DS expandet into the private security market. With that, the first step into todays mercenary work was laid.
In 2949 the head of operations changed to the current three-person-system with its current leaders.


As the descendants of the the survivors of the Oretani-Disaster we stand as one!
The sole purpose of existence of each member is to make profit!
We take every opportunity to make profit!
We reinvest to make more profit!
We take action to make profit!
We live just for the profit!
And all that is left goes into finding a way back home!


Following you find our basic ruleset! Further information is available on our Spectrum page and Discord server.

1. Interacting with other players:
  • We will not attack or interfere with other Citizens and Orgs, except it is commanded otherwise by the Admiralty.
  • For the right price we will accept any contracts from other Citizens and Orgs.
  • Once we accepted a contract we stay true to it’s content and won’t accept any other contracts that go against previous ones. No matter what price they are willing to pay!
2. Ranking:
  • We only follow our ranks when we are on Mission or stated otherwise. Else we are all the same no matter of the rank!
  • You can rank up when gaining enough trust in you and your abilities.
3. Membership:
  • We are a non exclusive Org, that means if you want to be a member of another Org you are welcome to do so. But regard the following:
  • Your membership must be set to Visible.
  • You can’t be a member of an enemy Org or one that we are at war with!
4. Recruitment:
  • Everyone is welcome!
  • Discord is mandatory.
  • Apply through the “Join Now!” Button above.
  • Or contact any member with the Recruiter role.
5. Overall
  • Be nice!
  • Have Fun!