Ore Incorporated / OREINC

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Social

Welcome to Ore Incorporated, a up-and-coming company dedicated to resource extraction and processing using the latest advancements. If you have a passion for mining, salvaging, logistics and everything inbetween then this is the place for you!

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Founded in 2953, a small business venture originating from the 121st floor of the IO-North Tower in the heart of Area 18 managed to gain traction in the resource rush following the news of a new jumpgate in the Stanton system nearing completion. Seizing this opportunity, the then small company run by 3 friends expanded into the beginnings of a true corporation.


Our aim is simple, to become the go-to organisation for ore extraction, refinery and onwards delivery. Our hardworking people make us who we are and without them, Ore Inc would not be what you see before you. To this aim, we have an ethos that encourages growth without applying pressure to our people. A happy workforce is a productive one. To this aim, we have core beliefs that are outlined below.

Casual environment
At Ore Incorporated we value the time our members spend with us, and we are aware that being available online is not always at the top of your list of priorities. Therefore we do not uphold any activity requirements or obligations when it comes to being part of our organisation.

Both in- and outside the ‘verse we pride ourselves in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment to everyone, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. Additionally, we aim to create an extensive network of security partners to supplement our own corporate security forces to allow for safe transfer of goods and to safeguard the overall safety of our members.

Our board endeavours to be transparent, with a lot of the decisions being shared with the entire organisation. The board strives to include the members of our org, no matter their position within it, to have a say on the fundamental decisions required to make the organisation successful. This means that all members of our organisation can be the best ambassadors with full knowledge of what is happening within.

Personal development
The ranking structure within Ore Inc is set in such a way that it encourages our people to be the best they can. Whilst maintaining a casual environment, hard work and dedication is duly rewarded with more responsibilities and the ability to become leaders in their chosen field. The ranking structure is fair, whilst also trying to balance the responsibilities involved in order to maintain the casual environment that the organisation strives to foster.


Ore Incorporated offers services in the mining, salvage and transport sectors. We strive to offer reputable, high quality and efficient services. The organisation has a fleet of well maintained and cutting edge ships, equipped with the latest tools and systems and piloted by hard working, honest and dedicated people.

We are a legal corporation under the UEE and do not engage in piracy or illegal activities as a group. However, we do not control our members’ activities when they are not representing us. Nor do we disallow our members to involve themselves in piracy or illegal activity in their own time, as this would severely limit the gameplay options in the ‘verse.

No exclusivity
We allow our members to maintain healthy relations with other organisations and we do not force our members to exclusively work with us. We pride ourselves on our ability to be flexible with our people. We see this as a huge positive, in that we are able to build connections with other organisations and maintain healthy org-org relationships through our workforce.

The organisation is structured in such a way that our members are able to specialise in any sector that the organisation works within. This means that our people are multiskilled and are able to meet any demands of the org and its customers.

We help our workforce, whether that be with the loaning of equipment or assistance when required because integrity and the ability to look after one another is paramount.

Thou shalt not steal anothers ore, unless they are bad eggs. – RottieSauce, 2953