Orion's Guard / ORIONSQUAD

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The Shields, the steadfast defenders. The Spears, the fearless offensive division. The Hunters, the hand-picked, one-of-a-kind operatives. The Artisans, the iron-willed workforce. These four branches work together to make the Verse a better place, under the banner of Orion’s Guard.


**Disclaimer: You must join the Discord server linked below to participate in weekly events, and to contact other org members.**

Click Here to join the Orion’s Guard Discord

What is the Guard?

Orion’s Guard, formerly known as a monopolistic bounty hunting agency, is an organization now run by a group known as the Rangers of Orion. Following a catastrophic failure of their ship’s quantum computer, the Rangers were slung through a dozen layers of reality, finding themselves marooned on a barren desert moon in an unfamiliar galaxy. With the board of directors no longer looming over their shoulders, and ample time to rebuild, Orion’s Guard was reborn in the ‘Verse with the goal of protecting the galaxy from tyranny and evil.

Who are the Rangers of Orion?

Cameron Hestman, a genetically enhanced soldier from Earth lost in space after a cryo-transport experiment gone wrong. Rujo Malikar, a former member of Monadai’s Royal Guard, who failed to protect his queen during an attack in which she almost lost her life. Dalis Castille, the product of human evolution over thousands of years on an alien planet. These are the three Rangers of Orion who oversee all Guard operations.

Current Members

Spears: Rujo Malikar (Branch Head), Jaymech, matbak, Clownfeat, zipzap820, BonesOfTibado, Dulte
Shields: Cameron Hestman (Branch Head), BlitzCrieg, DASR, Scrubbery, Shylidi, Bustadave1, LordZach007
Hunters: [REDACTED]
Artisans: GreatAncestor (Branch Head), Waterboy500, The_Flying_Doggo, Thanatoast99, AechWarrior, FightingMeerkat,

Fleet Overview (4/30/2020)

  • Aegis Idris-M x1
  • Anvil Carrack x6
  • Aegis Hammerhead x1
  • Drake Buccaneer x1
  • Drake Cutlass Black x3
  • Anvil Hornet x2
  • Mustang Alpha x1
  • Mustang Gamma x1
  • Aegis Avenger Titan x1
  • Anvil Arrow x2
  • Esperia Prowler x1
  • Esperia Scythe x1
  • Aegis Gladius x1
  • Crusader Ares Inferno x2
  • Crusader Ares Ion x1
  • MISC Freelancer MIS x1
  • Anvil Pisces Expedition x1
  • Anvil Pisces x5
  • Aegis Sabre x1
  • Aegis Sabre Comet x1
  • Crusader Hercules Starlifter C2 x1
  • Crusader Mercury Starrunner x1
  • RSI Mantis x1
  • Banu Defender x2
  • Origin m50 x1
  • Aopoa San’Tok Yai x1
  • Aopoa Khartu’Al x1
  • Tumbril Cyclone x2
  • MISC Hull D x1
  • Origin 85x x1
  • MISC Prospector x1
  • Drake Dragonfly x2
  • Aurora MR x3
  • Origin 300i x1
  • Drake Cutlass Red x2
  • Drake Caterpillar x2
  • Argo Mole x2
  • Anvil Terrapin x3
  • Banu Merchantman x1
  • Crusader Mercury Starrunner x1
  • Greycat Buggy x2
  • RSI Ursa Rover x2



Allies of Orion’s Guard

* Nova Services Command


Drake Caterpillar x1
Prospector x1
Cutlass Red x1
Anvil Arrow x1
Aegis Avenger Titan x1