Orison Syndicate / ORISYN

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Smuggling
  • Piracy

You are now the property of the Orison Syndicate. Break the rules and you will suffer. Follow the rules and you will suffer less.


The Orison Syndicate was originally a wholly Orison organization, complete with laws, uniforms and legitimate trade with other worlds. The Syndicate was described as an active trading network, functioning as a plutocratic republic, lead by Orison merchant lords. Its reach stretched beyond the limits of space explored by the UEE.

In 2931, the Syndicate took advantage of factional conflict on Delamar to fund, construct and manage a number of illegal quantanium mining operations and one-sided trade agreements. ArcCorp and Hurston Dynamics reached an accord on trade sanctions against the Orison Syndicate. However, the UEE did not wish to provoke the Syndicate into embargoing trade with other corporations, such as Crusader or MicroTech.

Following growing pressure from the megacorporations, the UEE agreed to a conference to discuss the future security of the Stanton system. The Syndicate attempted to sabotage the conference, by inserting an aide to assassinate Gavin Hurston and frame a member of the MicroTech delegation. The plot was unsuccessful.

The failed assassination attempt spurred the UEE to devote itself to operations against the Syndicate, crushing their fleets in both Stanton and Nyx. Facing annihilation, the Syndicate went into hiding, relying on piracy to survive while it slowly rebuilt its might. The Orison Syndicate of today descends from those pirates.


The Orison Syndicate operates in all areas of criminal activity, including sports gambling, illegal gambling rackets, loan sharking, extortion, blackmail, smuggling of goods and weapons, illegal salvage, piracy, capturing and trafficking of slaves. It also trades in secret information, managed net-girls, used and harbored pirates of various breeds, and employed professional thieves and assassins. The Syndicate takes out more assassination contracts in a year than all other typical assassination clients combined.

The Syndicate follows a code of thieves’ honor, and its members would rather die than break this code of silence. They prefer to commit suicide rather than testify against them. On the other hand, the Syndicate never kills its own people. Loyalty holds the Syndicate together, this extends to family members of its associates who are financially supported in the event of their death.


The Syndicate is ruthless in its tactics, and its members are extremely loyal. Any member will take their own life before testifying against the Syndicate. On the other hand, the Syndicate never kills its own people. In addition, it is customary for the Syndicate to financially support any family member of a deceased associate.

Syndicate members vouch for the loyalty of any new recruit of whom they bring into the organization. This method ensures trustworthiness amongst members, as any Syndicate member who is found to have brought in a disloyal recruit will be killed along with that recruit.