Outcasts / OUTCASTS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling


Clan History

We are a Freelancer faction that has played on Excelcia, Asgard and Shattered Worlds. It is not our intention to merely transfer Freelancer’s Outcasts to Star Citizen but rather to roleplay something completely different. Naturally the roleplay itself is an excuse for the bad things that we do as we attempt to stir things up in Star Citizen. We believe that our name, although from Freelancer, applies equally to the our Star Citizen roleplay.


The Outcasts belong to the Shattered Worlds Coalition, although in recent years the relationship has been strained somewhat. Our antics often pushing the SWC’s leadership to the verge of despair. At present we are still tolerated on the principle that minimal influence is better than none. The faction makes extensive use of mind bending and performance enhancing drugs. Over the years this has altered the Outcast perception of the universe and many are convinced that we can personally commune with the gods. Outcast religion is a bastardised version of Odinism, and we are dedicated to toughening up the weak through combat, death and rebirth. As prophecy says, ‘Only when man is strong enough will he finally be allowed to rest and then only while he awaits the coming of Ragnarok’. So when an Outcast attacks don’t take it personally, he is only trying to help you grow stronger, for only through conflict can humanity survive!



We crave freedom above all else and to these ends we live in a very unrestricted way. Put simply, to an Outcast everyone save our allies are fair game. Remember, the only laws that really matter are those which you create for yourselves. Smuggling and piracy are our main sources of income. All Outcasts are strongly encouraged to partake in these pastimes.

  • to toughen up humanity so that it can survive the coming onslaught
  • to ensure that we remain free enough to live in a relatively unrestricted manner


The Ancient Creed of the Outcasts

There is no Greater Sin than to be helpless.
The strong devour the weak, so they may live and grow stronger.
The warlike will dominate the peaceful, the peaceful live to serve the warlike.
There is no honour, there is no cowardice, only the mathematics of victory.

Morality is a tool with which the weak seek to undermine the strong.
We will brook no law or ethical stance that denies us our freedom.
We will strike at those who seek to impose their will on us,
As we expect all those we may oppress to rise against us in turn.

To be free of all restraint is the soul of the Outcasts.
Destruction is the mother of growth.
Without destruction only stagnation and entropy await.
Stagnation breeds weakness; it is the death of freedom and innovation.

Through the fire of our passions, and the wrath of our weapons will we will transform the weak.
The Blood of the weak, is the grease on the axle of the universe.
Through passion and hate we grow stronger, and with strength comes power, with power comes freedom.
Only through constant conflict can we Know our True Selves, and to know this is the mightiest secret of all.