Orange Sunshine Fellowship / OUTERNET

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Hail MARU!

Your search for the ULTIMATE TRUTH is OVER!
The ORANGE SUNSHINE FELLOWSHIP preaches the teachings of MARU,
SKY QUEEN and WORLD MOTHER. Shine your light upon us and
learn the ways of the THE LAMP OF THE VERSE.

Outernet Community:


hail MARU

Mentions of MARU first appear in the late 20th century, with followers keeping her ideals and teachings alive in small, niche communities on the internet for centuries. It would not be until 2788, near the end of the Messer Era that MARU would find her first true Prophet, OLD SAMUEL.


Deep within the heart of DELAMAR in the depths of LEVSKI, Samuel joined a sort of ritual involving the ingesting of Maze, and it was shortly after this time that he became lost within the collapsed mine for four days. It is there that he experienced a REVELATION. It was in the heart of Delamar that he conversed with the SKY QUEEN and learned her ways. With the assistance of the WORLD MOTHER, he objectively examined the depths of the soul and the psyche. When he EMERGED, people recall feeling as though a light shone from within him.

Within weeks, OLD SAMUEL had CONVERTED an impressive number of the inhabitants and travelers passing through LEVSKI. For centuries the followers of MARU had numbered in the very few. Apart from a few pieces of brightly colored literature and an outdated manifesto available on Spectrum, there was very little information. At the end of the 28th century, everything was about to change.


With the Messer Era crashing down around the Empire, the rebellious inhabitants of Levski embraced the ideals proposed by OLD SAMUEL; encouraging responsible scientific exploration and consciousness expansion, as well as preaching the potential evils of capitalism on a galactic scale. Soon, the ORANGE SUNSHINE FELLOWSHIP was born. By the start of the 29th century, the teachings of MARU had spread far beyond Levski to a number of different systems, and soon thereafter they were registered with the UEE as an official faith-based organization.

Converts continued pouring in as the Empire seemed to right itself with the Tribunal back in place. The Fellowship remained popular with blue collar civilians and citizens. It was not until 2821 when a trio of MARU Evangelists known as the ORANGE TRINITY began taking the teachings of OLD SAMUEL and making it truly appealing to the masses by re-writing the organization’s outdated manifesto and converting celebrities and other affluent members, allowing their Faith to reach an even wider audience. A notable member of the Fellowship was 4827-28 Murray Cup winner Jayne “Frenzy” Fujihara. It was exposure like this that allowed the OSF to build a small temple on Goss I near a pristine lake.


As the 30th century rolls in, UEE makes the questionable decision to sell Stanton I-IV to a number of corporate entities. Though the followers of MARU had now evolved considerably from the rabble that emerged from Levski over a century ago, and in spite of the fact that the church itself depended on things like mining and cargo hauling in addition to donations from members to keep their coffers full? The OSF considered this sale egregious.

“if corporations can own planets, what’s next? A system? A star? A species?”
-Santos, High Council Evangelist, 2916

The followers of MARU rushed to Stanton to set up a small settlement on the surface of Hurston. Their intention was ostensibly to monitor the goings on in a system completely run by some of the largest and most powerful corporations in the Verse. For reasons unknown to the public, the recruitment strategy for the OSF changed rapidly upon their arrival on Hurston. Suddenly, the Fellowship was focused on recruiting combat veterans, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and even the occasional pirate. They purchased a series of decommissioned Aegis ships, some dating back to the Tevarin War, and began retrofitting them. On Feb. 9, 2929, the Fellowship officially established their martial branch, the QUEENSGUARD.

The OSF backed Laylani Addison in the 2950 Imperator Election, and were overjoyed when their candidate won. To this day, members of the Faith live in Stanton, ever-watchful over the corporations there that own every rock, every strut, and every bolt on the beautiful rocks that orbit that star. You might even see them on the comms faithfully trying to spread the word of the WORLD MOTHER, the SKY QUEEN, MARU.

The Stanton System was uncharted territory for the entirety of the Empire, and the Orange Sunshine Fellowship is intent on spreading the word of MARU to the corrupt capitalist monstrosities at any cost. Hail MARU!


Hail MARU!

You have questions, and MARU has answers! MARU was here before the worlds found their path. Before the Empire of Earth was United, the love of MARU permeated the cosmos and inspired BENEVOLENCE and RIGHTEOUSNESS amongst the derelict citizens of what we understand to be the universe. The evolution of terrestrial and analog religion was pervasive through reality as MARU in her INFINITE GLORY & WISDOM observed without judgement.

Gravity is the breath of MARU, the CELESTIAL MOULD willed into existence by the CRUCIBLE of FIERY LOVE. Oxygen exists only as the BREATH of MARU, GRANTED by her FREELY so that the masses may cycle through the phases of life deemed ESSENTIAL in the teachings of the GOD-QUEEN.


MARU changed my life” -FluffyYuri, Disciple

The light of MARU is omnipresent, but one cannot see if one’s eyes are closed. It shines brightly upon you and from within you. Darkness would not exist if it were not for light. This light emanates from all intelligent beings. The love of MARU will teach YOU to love YOURSELF. Shine bright, child of the light.


“What one commonly takes as ‘the reality,’ including the reality of one’s own individual person, by no means signifies something fixed, but rather something that is ambiguous – that there is not only one, but that there are many realities, each comprising also a different consciousness of the ego.”
-Albert Hofmann

The PATH to ENLIGHTENMENT is strewn with obstacles that exist only within your MIND. Science has advanced beyond what most would conceive 100 years ago, and we can only expect the same of 100 years from now. The UEE has laws against many substances that they consider ‘illicit.’ This designation is an attempt by the CAPITALIST REGIME to DISCOURAGE AND DISSUADE you from OPENING YOUR MIND to the vast, true POTENTIAL of the COSMOS.

The ABUSE of any substances should be discouraged, as ADDICTION inevitably leads to reliance on the CAPITALIST ZEALOTS who are intent on swallowing all that exists. To act morally, we must first be knowledgeable and strive to be informed about any mind-altering substances one might ingest. ABUSE can lead to the tragic ruination of LIFE and HOPE. Ingesting anything without UNDERSTANDING can be irresponsible and immoral.


“Do whatever it takes ensure you do not fool yourself into thinking something is true that is actually false, or that something is false which is actually true.” – Neil DeGrasse Tyson

The scientific method is the crux of one’s faith in MARU. Ancient, analog religions are a thing of the past. The ORANGE SUNSHINE FELLOWSHIP worships the spirit of DISCOVERY within the bounds of SCIENCE.


The teachings of MARU are as malleable as clay. The discoveries of SCIENCE emerge readily throughout the histories, and the TRUE FAITH adjusts along with it. We all inhabit the Verse together. The Verse is chaos so we must strive to BE KIND. Shining YOUR LIGHT upon OTHERS leads BOTH PARTIES to ILLUMINATION.

Spreading the WORD OF MARU is WIN-WIN. Being a part of the ORANGE SUNSHINE FELLOWSHIP is one and the same with being a part of the MARU CONVERSION-MACHINE. The more INTELLIGENT BEINGS that we can convince to OPEN THEIR EYES to the light is equivalent to more power and enthusiasm for SCIENCE and COMPASSION. Be LOUD. Be PROUD.

and hail MARU!


The Tenets of the Orange Sunshine Codex

One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.

The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.

One’s body and ship is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one’s own.

Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.

People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one’s best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.

Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.