Guardians of the Galaxy / OVERLOADS

  • Syndicate
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Welcome Citizen , We are the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY , We are here to offer a little help to people who need to get places without being seen , deliver goods and products that shouldnt be there and we guarantee delivery , we’ve never failed and we wont start now

join us


Our ancestors come from the Pyro system , they were the founders that helped us take over and establish our foot hold there , protecting it to the death , we built a space station in orbit around Pyro. The least damaged world in the system to call home to all pirates of the verse , we specialized in smuggling narcotics and atomics , the learnt over the years that there was more money to be made smuggling people places they wanted to go , thus , the guardians of the galaxy was born , we are the overlords of the Pyro system .


We aim to provide everybody with a good fair service , no discrimination , we dont care your race , religion , Crimestat it doesnt matter to use , so long as you have the credits we will get you there


Rules …..

Pick up on time
Deliver on time
Respect the client