Phantom of Ace / P0A

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Social

We are Phantom of Ace we fly race fight and more if you what a org what does everything thing then come join us and try our org out.

“ |Discord|


Phantom of Ace is a Org of player’s that enjoy all aspects of the game, We do a little of everything so if you need somewhere to learn to play we are a good place to start. We Mine, Salvage, Rescue, Transport, Cargo Runs and More. We do semi roleplay or full roleplay.


Play with the org on org days or play solo or with friends. You will be kick if you don’t play with the org 2 time a week.

MONDAY (Med Day)
TUESDAY (Cargo Day)
WEDNESDAY (Salvage Day)
THURSDAY (Bunker Day)
FRIDAY (Mining Day)
SATURDAY (Random Day)
SUNDAY (Roleplay Day)


* CHARTER* Officers Our Officers have many duties to refill to make it easy on our members and our team. We have two types of officers one the Bored Officers their job is the decision making and over all see things done right in the org and two our Team Officers is your Miner Cargo Rescue Salvager Transport/Warfare those officers will host events with their team and recommend promoting to the board.

Public Affairs
Our Public Affairs will take care of our media, org page and even look in the member report of members going against our TOS.

Our Recruiters duties are going through our applications and recruiting within the universe.

Having POA Tages in your Gamertag
We dont recommend new member adding POA to there tag stay with us for a year and make sure this is a Org for you. If you are interested on having POA on your name then this is how it need to look [your game name (POA)] {Foxles (POA)}