Pacesetter Media Corporation / PACE

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Welcome to the first in-verse news agency of its kind. One that seeks to report on in-game drama as it happens, and go to whatever lengths to get the story. We watch it for the plot.


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Why wait for the game to be released when the fun is happening now?

If you’ve been following Star Citizen long enough, you’ve probably been through at least one organizational collapse, a hundred temper tantrums, and a thousand rivalries born from the ashes of it all. Why not take advantage of it?

This is the idea that spawned the Pacesetter Media Corp. A conglomorate of streamers, reporters, and others interested in bringing to light the storylines that are already overtaking the SC universe, and covering the major news events that will no doubt unfold once the game is officially released.

I was victim to a recent corporate implosion, brought about by a leader-turned-dictator, and that got me thinking. There are probably thousands of others who have been through the same situation as me. What if we got together to recount our stories and make them public? This is what the crew at Roberts Space Industries is talking about when they say “player-driven lore.” The players will create the story. And that story is being born right now.

I hope you’ll join me to explore these stories, and help turn nobodies into tomorrow’s heros and villains. Whereas others will play the game, we will create the plot.


Pacesetter Media Corporation is a simulated news organization that aims to add to the immersion of Star Citizen by providing live-streamed, recorded, and written journalistic pieces with a focus on in-game drama. This drama comes in many forms:

-Investigative journalism
-Wartime reporting
-Sports commentary
-Resource market analysis
-Inter-Org disorder

As far as the news outlets that already exist in the ‘verse (of which there are only a handful) I believe we can set ourselves apart by focusing strictly on in-game events, as opposed to patch releases, real-life interviews and so on. We will also not shy away from touchy or particularly “juicy” stories as some tend to do. (think New York Post vs. New York Times). We will welcome “smear pieces” and the like, without fear of being called a tabloid.

As much freedom as our reporters will be given, there will be a structure to our operation. Reporters will report to Assignment Editors, who will report to Managing Editors. This is necessary to avoid real-world liability. Also, we will welcome streamers who are looking for an avenue to increase their own viewership.

Short-Term Goals

-Take advantage of the stories that are already happening. Unlike other organizations, we are not limited by the game’s release date to start being productive. We can do that right now.
-Operational website: The site in place now is only a skeleton, with most sections still under construction. But, with a little more work, it can soon be the one-stop shop for citizens looking for the latest “dirt”.

Long-Term Goals

-24-hour news stream on Twitch (
-Press credentials with the largest organizations
-Collaboration software and infrastructure to allow us to pool our recorded footage. I’ve been setting up a server and SAN in my apartment for this reason. Our current corporate backbone is running on Google Apps for Business.

Positions Now Hiring

Managing Editor
Assignment Editor
News Reporter
Web Developer

What you will receive for joining

-Corporate email address:
-2GB of cloud storage
-A friendly atmosphere where you and your work will be appreciated and given the attention it deserves.

Please email me at if you have any questions.

Pacesetter Media. We watch it for the plot!


Each staff member is granted the freedom to focus on stories and topics that they wish to pursue. However, they are also expected to hold to our code of ethics, similar to most other media outlets.

Code of Ethics

- Real life is real life, and in-game is in-game. Never shall they meet. – As much as we are reporters, striving to garner as much information as possible, details of a gamer’s personal life or identity outside the game are no one’s business but their own. Including these details in a published piece or stream is strictly forbidden. This is our number one rule, and holds true even if the person in question gives verbal approval to do so. Violations of this rule will be met with immediate corrective action, up to and including dismissal.

- Objectivity – Published articles or broadcasts labeled as “news” should be free of opinion to the best effort of the reporter. If said pieces include either praise or admonition of a certain organization or citizen, the targeted party should be given the opportunity to respond. If they are not available to deliver such a response, this should be noted in the body of the article, or at the end of the broadcast.

- Opinion Pieces – Opinion pieces have very few limitations. Opinion pieces are defined as articles or broadcasts which include, or have as their main focus, the opinion of a reporter towards a certain topic or entity. We welcome smear pieces and controversial topics, but the reporter must keep two things in mind. They assume full responsibility for what they choose to publish, and these still fall under the real-life/in-game rule.

Organizational Structure

- Editorial Process – As lenient as we plan to be, all submissions are to be reviewed and approved by a managing editor to ensure adherance to the Code of Ethics before publishing, regardless of subject. This process may be expedited in the case of major news events. The CEO reserves the right to reject any submission at will, for any reason. We have to remember, there is real-world liability at play here.

- Conflicts of Interest – Managing Editors also have the responsibility of putting their opinions aside when critiquing submissions. A piece cannot be rejected purely due to differences between the editor and submitter.

- Assignments – Reporters have free reign over what stories they pursue. In part, the only way we stay in business is by reporters seeking out the juicy stories that we crave. At times, reporters (or reporting teams) may be called upon by an Assignment Editor to put their current work on hold, and be assigned to a specific story or event to cover. To sideline a reporter to work another beat is a major decision, and should only be applied when there is a sizable news event in progress that requires more reporters than are available.

Profit Sharing

Obviously, as with any stream, there is the potential for real-life money to be made. The profits from any stream and/or videos hosted by Pacesetter Media will be divided as such (excluding copyrighted content):

-Towards any video/stream produced strictly by the submitter: profits shall be split 50/50 between the submitter and Pacesetter Media.
-Towards any video/stream produced by submitter with video edited by another organization member: Profits shall be split evenly between the submitter, editor(s), and Pacesetter Media.
-Toward any video/stream produced by submitter and edited by an outside party: Profits will be split 50/50 between the submitter and Pacesetter Media.
-Towards any video/stream linked to by Pacesetter Media, but not edited/contributed to by it. 100% of profits shall be entitled to the submitter. (obviously)

All rules are subject to change. However, all members are to be notified before such changes go into effect. And all rule changes will be subject to vote by majority.