Pandamonium / PANDAZ

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Panda Alert:
P-Day Arrives.


All Pandamonium starts Now!

Please get your Pandaz Portrait Here

Panda Commanda Z

- Major Durrog , SSJ Crashzero


Official History of Pandamonium For awesome Hd Pics scroll to bottom of screen

Panda Z, 7th Planet in the Pandamonium system. A chaotic system both ravaged with interplanetary waring nations and a distant gas giant which due to its size pulled the occasion asteroid from its neighboring asteroid belt randomly aiming rouge asteroids into the surviving remaining planets giving it the name Tiresias Artemis, The Blind Archer. Even At times it would return left over debris from combat and space junk causing unsuspecting havoc.

Panda Z’s most ferocious enemy was the Leopardians located on the scorched crater torn 9th Planet known as Leopardia. Long before the Millennium Wars the Leopardians suffered great losses from Tiresias Artemis. The earliest recorded documents in the Pandamonium system where found here on Leopardia, They where forced to learn slowly over many generations. Surviving and separating the populas around the globe to help prevent instant extinction of their race and beast of burden. The Leopardians safe guarded their knowledge by building deep bunkers and storing repositories of each generations acquired knowledge in vaults copied around their world to avoid any loss for when the next impact would strike. Every generation turn their attention on cutting edge new goals, creating ways to prevent the next calamity or surviving methods to continue their research for later generations. The Leopardians had it tough, their growth stunted and many generations where lost.

Eventually after thousands of years a plan was created to install a series of anti asteroid electromagnetic shield arrays in far orbit of the second moon of Leopardia. Hoping it would nudge most of the rogue asteroids away changing its vector away from Leopardia. Even this process took a few generation to complete as it had to be fully complete to take effect and get rid of any bug in the system. Mistakes where made and life was lost but the Leopardians finally got the relief from Tiresias Artemis that they where looking for having suffered so much. It was during this time the Leopardians detected, in their efforts to get advanced Intel on when the next strike would be, a second intelligent race in the Pandamonium system.

Back then Panda Z was in comparison, was young indeed . The Pandaz enjoyed a vibrant tropical planet with great lands bountiful in foods. The Pandaz also where lucky as it was much greater distance away from Tiresias Artemis aim. But there was not peace on Panda Z. The pandulation would fight over land and possessions. Many countries fought over wealth and dominance. The extremely rich Profited off the extremely poor. The Pandaz had no interest in space back then, too busy fighting among themselves.

Many years pass, the Leopardians where finally able to concentrate on other things besides science and surviving, some choosing to encourage creativity and embarking on ones own undecided destinies. the population limit was abolished as food could grow with out fear of losing a whole country side. though they where the oldest they had a lot to accomplish still due the massacres of Tiresias Artemis. Over time young leopardians began to hate and resent that Panda Z whom had stood bye never assisted or communicating back even after many attempts and Leopardian pleas. The Pandaz where unfortunately blissfully unaware.

Growing through the ranks the young took their place from where the old used to sit. Though never allowing the young Leopardians to forget the effort struggle and lives lost. The new Leopardians government where Impatient and angry and some one say rightfully so. They felt Panda Z was spoilt, and closed minded. That they where not as intelligent as them. Time passed and the resentment grew. It became so much so that the Leopardians seemed to think them selves superior to the panda race. The new Leopardian government became justified in conquer Panda Z to kill, torture and enslave all pandaz whom had wonderful lives while they suffered.

What the Leopardians did not expect, is how quickly the pandaz united to defeat their common enemy. Not to mention the sheer numbers and strength of the pandaz. Though behind in technology the pandaz always overwhelmed every attempt made to land or conquered their enemies base camps. First they where underestimated but even in larger numbers the Leopardians where slaughtered halted in their exploits or had to retreat as they couldn’t risk losing many lives due to so many lives being lost over generations of impacts. the Leopardians retreated to come up with a new strategy. For the mean time the Leopardians and set up blockades in order to capture and enslave the pandaz if they tried to escape. So then the arms and technology race began,

For a millennium, War and Destruction was all Pandamonium knew.

UEE 2927

In the last desperate moments of the war Leopardia turned their anti asteroid electromagnetic shield arrays on their own planet setting a course that intercepted Panda Z. The Leopardians distracted the pandaz in a final space battle above Panda Z. Caught off guard and fighting an all out battle with all ships available left the pandaz realized too late. With no choice except to watch in despair, both fleets witnessed as the looming 9th planet hurtled into Panda Z tearing apart the mantel, lightning seemed to fill the void where mountains once stood becoming instantly a melted fire storm. The cores splitting into half and thousands of planetoid chunks sprayed into all directions, destroying most of the opposing fleets unbiasedly. In anger the remaining pandaz fought hard to finish of the remaining Leopardians. Only one race emerged, but with too great a cost, Only 6 Elite Panda Commanda’s remained aboard a battle scarred, riddled with planetoid chunks and barely functioning Ailuropoda Melanoleuca Class vessel Pandromeda. aboard which comprised of the only surviving crew members SSJ Crashzero , Major Durrog , Shinigamis_Cup , Turtlemon , FIsher & Pandagami .

After Mourning the loss of fellow Panrades and the utter annihilation of the Pandamonium system, they set off too search for any remaining survivors on Leopardia’s second moon as Intel suggested a POW camp in this vicinity. Stopping and gathered resources in left over debris from destroyed ships on either side, a grueling and sad task that took a few years. This was necessary to gather anything and everything from both nations as all technology in the system was strengthened through the ages, tested in combat and against the chaotic unstable nature of the system it self. It is with hope that with the technology found, repairs and ship functionality could be returned as much as it can for them to set of a new voyage.

UEE 2932

After scanning the moon it was discovered that there where three panda lifeforms capture and held in a room with in a facility. The Panda Commandaz. Not messing about they defeated them with out mercy a small Leopardian force guarding some dignitaries whom it turned out where cowardice to follow through with their own orders of self destruction. The facility was originally for detaining capture pandaz and to process them into slavery. Many bodies where found dead in the rooms of panda slave facility. Some torture and experimented on and some just under fed and chained in seclusion. After the quick and precise attack the 6 panda commandaz rescued the remaining three. *subject to people joining before PU launch. Informed of the entire horrible situation, The_Grug , The Architect and Oarin Zan’nh joined the crew of Pandromeda.

After much discussion it was decided to follow Panda Core Directive 610 paragraph 7 states that in the event of a catastrophe where re population of panda Z is not an option for any reason. Any remaining survivors must leave the Pandamonium system in search of the Pandaz that have escaped during the years of unrest and war. There have been many attempts at fleeing the system though most not successful some might have made it through the blockades in an attempt to find a new peaceful world to repopulate and settle.


So the journey began to embark on a mission of survival with a heading that was calculated to be the best chance of finding help, a larger bright yellow sun located 5.5 light years from Panda Z that scientist long ago had discovered frequent but partial fragments of radio waves an old form of communication not used by pandaz for centuries.


An implosion is heard outside the bridge, sensors are beeping loudly, Pandagami speaks
“Major Durrog, what is our ETA
ETA 2 Hour 15 minutes”
“Fisher how goes our structural integrity “
“I’m surprised it didn’t fail an hour ago” The last known remaining survivors stuck aboard a failing Pandromeda, all hope fades slowly away, as parts begin to vibrate loose. Huge chunks fall away from the ship. Pandagami walks to the centre of the bridge and gathers everyone attention.

“Listen up! Being the last of our kind we cant risk all being in the bridge, Its time to go into the Escape Bunker. There is food and water and 2 weeks of air if anything where to happen.”
“Who is going to fly the ship?” Crashzero interrupted asked
“I have set it up a remote command station in there, and the computer will do the rest” Pandagami continued, “There is no time to argue, this is an order.”

The Pandaz set the final controls and powered down all non essential operations and transfered remaining power to the structural integrity field. They all head down the corridors and headed into the Escape Bunker. Turtlemon was the first to walk in he looked every where for the console that Pandagami had spoke off. He turned around to ask what Pandagami was talking about when he noticed that Pandagami had not entered the room.
“Ooo.” Turtlemon had realized what was now happening. everybody turned only to hear Pandagami say, “Live on”
The Door slammed shut and then blast door bolted down, The Grug, Oarin and The Architect ran to the door banging it hard and yelling for Pandagami. Shinigamis_cup sat down stumped at why shinigami had taken such an action.

Pandagami hastily headed back to the bridge, another few hours passed as he ran from console to console monitoring the ships condition and changed things accordingly. Pandagami was at one of the consoles boosting power to the integrity field by lowering the life support processes when one of the consoles blew beside him throwing him to the ground, The computer stated “Structural integrity failure immanent” The Pandromeda violently exited hyper space, a giant explosion rippled through the ship, the computer stated “ Warp Drive Overload immanent.” Pandagami Climbed to his feet, and stumbled to another console, releasing a beacon probe. His last mission to free Escape Bunker docking clamps. Exiting the bridge and running down the corridors the computer started a countdown timer “40 seconds till explosion.”
“Dammit computer your suppose to give me a minute” Pandagami Mocked.

Meanwhile the other pandaz sat silently listening to the ship fall apart, when the heard the blast door open. Shinigamis_cup was the first to stand, but the Grug stood in the way looking through the small pane of glass.
“Its Pandagami!”

30 seconds

“What’s he doing Grug?” Fisher beckoned
The Grug watched through the pane as Pandagami worked quickly on a nearby console. Again a loud explosion rumbled through the ship, this time greater than any previous explosion. Pandagami headed to the the front of the pane.

20 seconds

The Grug stood back everyone standing beside their Panrades. Pandagami’s hand reached on the outside manual release for the Escape Bunker eject system. No words where spoken. the remanding 8 Pandaz saluted Pandagami knowing that this would be his final act. With out hesitation Pandagami yanked the lever and the escape bunker ejected the Pandromeda heading steadily away.

10 seconds

Everybody still was saluting Pandagami when they noticed the Pandromeda tear its self apart from the inside. With in seconds the warp drive went critical blinding beams of light lit the escape bunker. A shock wave then smashed into them pushing them violently about. It was a surprise to them that it didn’t tear them apart, but they where not of trouble yet. The shock wave made them hurtle through space and there current trajectory would be intercepting a passing comet. The Escape Bunker computer was fried and normally would be able to stop its self or get out of danger. It would seem that the pandaz had the worst luck, was there race destined to die here.

to be continued… very Soon,

Coming up Halley’s comet…?
Ships of Xplor…?
Pandaz No More…?
Find Out Next Time on Pandaz have huge ball Z!!!!!!!!!!!!!

UEE 2944

okay so there has been a huge break here while i put star citizen down just for a while so it could build up a little more, hopefully all the new content has inspired me to write more…. soon


Pandamonium Manifesto 2944

Panda Core Directives (PCD)

Panda Core Directive 1
If you join Pandamonium you must be Panda, or have the Bloodlines from Panda Z eg a pandurtle (panda turtle)

Panda Core Directive 2
PCD 1 means change your avatar to a cool panda avatar.

Panda Core Directive 3
All Pandaz are a brotherhood. Pandaz work together for the good of all Pandaz.

Panda Core Directive 4
A Sargent-Panda is one who has yet to provided documents to prove their panda origins

Panda Core Directive 397
No panda on an all chilli diet shall be aloud to pilot a deep space mission where other pandas are present.

Panda Core Directive 398
Beans are not a fruit.

Panda Core Directive 610

In the event of a catastrophe that could threaten the well being of the panda nation. All scientist Pandas are to start work on only projects that will be used to attempt to overt the catastrophic events. They are to be supported by all facets of organised pandas and defended at all costs from rebel incursion. The importance of preventing a tragedy that could affect all pandaz is more important then any other task that could be brought to govern.

Should any individual believe that a new priority has arisen then this matter must be allowed to be heard before the congress of pandaz, in front of a full audience of civilians. To prevent any allowance for further incident to arise all undertakings are to be secured by which ever military faction is in the best position to defend the rights of all pandaz.

Small vessels that carry 5 panda family will be constructed and sent out into the galaxy as an attempt to search for a new world to settle. Should any world be found that can be consolidated a beacon will be constructed freedom the ship to alert Pandamonium that the mission is a success.

In the event that a hostile take over from outside the pandamonium then the panda defense grid may be re purposed to create a mother ship in an attempt to ensure the safety of Pandaz. The mother ship shall be called Pandromeda and will house the Panda Comandaz that will lead the sector to victory.

The main fleet will house family’s and military to ensure that should any instability that comes to the planet can be avoided or lessened by maximum survivors being housed in space and around the sector.

Where re population of the planet is possible all surviving pandaz should meet and set out new rules to govern by. The remaining ships should be recycled to make new housing and industrial sectors to allow for a new agriculture to re fertilize the lands

Where re population of panda Z is not an option for any reason, any remaining survivors must leave the Pandamonium system in search of the Pandaz that have escaped.

Panda Core Directive 716
You can leave honorably but If you betray the Pandaz you will face the wraith of all Pandamonium and Xplor our main affiliate

Operation Panda Go

Fleet Manifest
1 x Aegis Javelin-class Destroyer
4 x Aurora LX
5 x Aurora MR
1 x Carrack
2 x Constellation Phoenix
1 x Cutlass Red
2 x F7C Hornet
1 x F7C-M Super Hornet
2 x Freelancer
1 x Gladiator
2 x Gladius
2 x Karthu-Al
2 x M50 Interceptor
1 x Merchantman
1 x Reclaimer
1 x Redeemer
1 x Retaliator
1 x Starfarer
3 x 300i
1 x 325a
1 x 350r

Fleet Command

Twin RSI Constellation
Outfitted with
4x Behring M5A Laser
16x S4 Missiles
2x Klaus & Werner CF-337 Rhino
Powered by Optimized Wei-Tek HO-R2 Plus
With HE 5.5 Hammer Propulsion

Fleet Strike Force
Twin Krugar Intergalactic P-52 Merlin
Outfitted with
2x Knightbridge Arms 9-Series Longsword
Knightbridge Arms 11-Series Broadsword
Powered by Optimized ACOM Starlight II
With HM 4.1 Hammer Propulsion

RSI Aurora MR
Outfitted with
2x Behring M3A Lasers
Powered by Optimized Alliance Startech KS-9 Enhanced
With Dragon STC Red Propulsion

Quad Origin Jumpworks 325a
Outfitted with
2x A&R Omnisky VI Laser
Klaus & Werner Sledge II Mass Drive Cannon
Powered by Optimized Wei-Teck VHT2 Plus
With HE 5.3 Hammer Propulsion

Twin Xi’An Qhire Khartu
Outfitted with
4x unknown turret mount
With 4x unknown Propulsion

Organisation Manifest


Pandamonium Begins,
The day has come for us to cast off our differences and band together as a family. Pandaz unite it the cause of our Panda alliance with the UEE to better achieve our goals.
Foundered by Major Durrog
AKA: Major_Durrog
Pledge Date: March 08, 2014
Imperator Since: June 7th 2014
Citizen Enlist Date : Mar 8, 2014 #404099
Major Durrog is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami

Crashzero joins the Pandamonium
AKA: SSJCrashzero
Pledge Date: March 08, 2014
Imperator Since: June 5th 2014
Citizen Enlist Date : Jun 24, 2013 #153325
Crashzero is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami

TURTLEMON joins the Pandamonium
Citizen Enlist Date : Mar 26, 2014 #414552
TURTLEMON is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami

Fisher joins the Pandamonium
AKA: Fisher_88
Pledge Date: March 25, 2014
Citizen Enlist Date : Mar 21, 2014 #412467
Fisher is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami

The Architect joins the Pandamonium
AKA: Architectwiththekey
Citizen Enlist Date : Apr 10, 2014 #423600
The Architect is awarded the responsibilities of Sergeant-Panda by power of the Pandagami

Shinigamis_Cup joins the Pandamonium
AKA: Shinigamis_Cup
Citizen Enlist Date : May 16, 2014 #449017
Shinigamis_Cup is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami

Panda Power Update
The charter has begun, it is now the time of the panda. All pandas are to report for duty and assignment.
Vanduul have been spotted in several Pandamonium sectors. Scramble all Panda Z.

The Grug joins the Pandamonium
AKA: The_Grug
Citizen Enlist Date : Apr 21, 2014 #436377
The Grug is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Officer by power of the Pandagami

Oarin Zan’nh joins the Pandamonium
AKA: Shanthor
Citizen Enlist Date : Apr 26, 2014 #439163
Oarin Zan’nh is awarded the responsibilities of Sergeant-Panda by power of the Pandagami

itbezo joins the Pandamonium
AKA: itbezo
Citizen Enlist Date : Jul 12, 2014 #496946
itbezo is awarded the responsibilities of Panda Commanda by power of the Pandagami


Pandamonium Charter 2944

To boldly go where PandaZ may have gone before

The Panda Core Directive 610 paragraph 7 states that in the event of a catastrophe where re population of panda Z is not an option for any reason. Any remaining survivors must leave the Pandamonium system in search of the Pandaz that have escaped during the years of unrest and war. There have been many attempts at fleeing the system some might have made it through the blockades in an attempt to find a new peaceful world to repopulate and settle.