Pleasant Crest Mercenary Group / PCMG

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Its Not Always About The Money Or who We Get Payed By.


The Start of Pleasant Crest Mercenary Group Happened by a strange turn of events it started with a few friends taking a simple mission to a Hole in the ground on Daymar we were clearing a group of 9-Tails when our friend was struck by shrapnel from a an exploding Grenade we had to make a tactical retreat back to the surface and drag him to safety after exhausting our Med-Pens we were able to call for help from a passing Cutlass Red a young pilot by the name of Ryan let us use a Medbed to fix him up and as we were flying away someone muttered thats a Pleasant Crest of sunrise and the name was what we Christened the Org.


We Are the Pleasant Crest Mercenary Group. We Follow the money whether it be smuggling, fighting, or even the occasional salvaging, but we will never harm a innocents….. unless we were payed Really Well to do it.
If you have any questions join us on out discord:


Rule 1: No harming innocents Unless its a high paying contract.
Rule 2: Be respectful to everyone in the group even if you have your disagreements