• PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Freelancing

PHOENIX CONSULTING – International Solutions to Your Local Problems
We are a highly motivated and responsive group whose only concern is:
“What You Need, Wherever it’s Needed…When You Need It”

We can handle any contract so you don’t have to…Quickly – Quietly – Discreetly.

Call us!


Phoenix Consulting was born out of a need to get away from the everyday-run-of-the-mill military simulation groups. A core group of individuals came over from that particular Dark Side to form Phoenix Consulting. The Phoenix represents a new and/or reborn hope that people can actually play together without being little bitches. The consulting side? To be succinct, we are a PMC.

We play hard, drink hard, smoke hard but fight even harder. We do this because we want your business. Sure we are a small band of miscreants…but that’s what makes us the best choice for getting done what needs to be done. Quickly, efficiently and discreetly. You got a job you want your hand clean from?

Choose PHOENIX CONSULTING…International Solutions to your Local Problems.

Find us on the interwebs at Phoenix Consulting or on DISCORD. We may not always be on, but we do respond!



Some say that being a pirate, being a freelancer, being a merchantman or being a corporation is the best way to go. We disagree! At Phoenix Consulting, we believe that getting “What you need, Wherever it’s needed, When you need it” should be all that matters to a Private Military Company. No matter what line of spacefaring work you do…sometimes you need more. We provide that service.

It’s not always about that wind-in-the-hair and fluttering silk scarf around the neck that sets the PMC apart from other organizations…We don’t think that at all…

We believe that, at some point, you’ll need Ninjas; skilled in the arts of deception, stealth and/or assassination. Other times you might want a Surgeon; calculating, precise and unflinching. There are even times you’ll require the “Hairy-chested-knuckles-on-the-floor-fangs-out-claws-out” Beast. The Ninjas, the Surgeons, the Beasts… Phoenix Consulting is all of those things and more.

We only hire skilled operators with a firm grasp on teamwork, tactics and the blatant disregard for our own safety where your contracts are concerned. Also the total lack of concern where the intake of alcohol is done after a successful mission.

Does your organization have a job you want your hands clean from? Is there a cargo you don’t want falling into the wrong hands? Has someone irked you recently?


Hit us up on DISCORD or on our website, Phoenix Consulting


PHXCONSULT Standard Operating Procedures
Client Relations Section

If you wish to hire PHXCONSULT, please observe the following rules;

  1. CONTRACTS will be handled by the Director of Operations (DO) or the Deputy Director of Operations (DDO) only.
  2. All CONTRACTS are binding once the agreement is made.
  3. A 1/3 up-front, non-refundable payment must be made by the CLIENT prior to CONTRACT agreement.
  4. Full disclosure of all pertinent information about the task/cargo/information will be carried out/transported/transmitted by the CLIENT prior to CONTRACT negotiations. (This can be negotiated depending on the task/cargo/information)
  5. The CLIENT will accept no responsibility once the CONTRACT agreement is made
  6. PHXCONSULT will make no attempts to contact the client during the execution of the CONTRACT.
  7. PHXCONSULT will only contact the CLIENT upon success or failure of the CONTRACT.
  8. Full payment of a CONTRACT will be made by the CLIENT to PHXCONSULT immediately upon successful completion of a CONTRACT.
  9. PHXCONSULT will make all due reparations to the CLIENT if the CONTRACT has failed in anyway up to the total amount of the CONTRACT withholding the 1/3 upfront cost.

Standard Operating Procedures
For PHXCONSULT Operators


  • Honor: A member of PHXCONSULT must never lie, never cheat, never steal. Each member must cling to an uncompromising code of personal integrity, accountable for his actions and holding others accountable for theirs. And, above all, honor mandates that a PHXCONSULT member never sully the reputation of his unit.
  • Courage: Simply stated, courage is honor in action — and more. Courage is moral strength, the will to heed the inner voice of conscience, the will to do what is right regardless of the conduct of others. It is mental discipline, an adherence to a higher standard. Courage means willingness to take a stand for what is right in spite of adverse consequences. All PHXCONSULT members are expected to display and demonstrate courage, discipline and high standards.
  • Commitment: Total dedication. Gung-ho teamwork. All for one, one for all. By whatever name or cliché, commitment is a combination of; (1) selfless determination and (2) a relentless dedication to excellence. Operators never give up, never give in, never willingly accept second best. Excellence is always the goal. And, when their active duty days are over, PHXCONSULT Operators remain reserve PHXCONSULT Operators, retired PHXCONSULT Operators, or PHXCONSULT Operator veterans. There is no such thing as an ex-PHXCONSULT Operator or former-PHXCONSULT Operator. Once an Operator, always a Operator. Commitment never dies.

General Rules

1. The members of PHXCONSULT will seek the highest standards of Honor, Courage, and Commitment, knowing that PHXCONSULT member’s families and real-life responsibilities in life shall be held first and foremost.
2. We are a unit that seeks to emulate and simulate PMC environments and those activities and units associated with those environments. We shall not tarnish, diminish, dishonor, or disrespect PHXCONSULT, any U.S. military branch, service member, veteran or any similar entity belonging to an allied country.
3. Dishonorable conduct shall not be tolerated and may result in dishonorable discharge from PHXCONSULT. All discharges from the unit outside of the recruit phase will be executed by decision of the Director of Operations (DO).
4. Members and guests will be treated with respect.
5. Members will hold true to the PHXCONSULT standards when in the MMOG and will lead by example. All members represent the unit as a whole.
6. The membership will respect the office and decisions of DO or those with admin responsibilities. Dissenting opinions will be heard in the appropriate forums.
7. The membership and guests will abide by all rules governing PHXCONSULT and its associated committees as ratified by the DO.
8. All members will have an active account on the official website ( or Members will periodically check in to view messages and participate in the forums.
9. No member will conduct himself in a manner as to grief, disrupt, or dishonor another group’s web server or unit name. Behaving in this manner is dishonorable and will not be tolerated.
10. No member shall conduct any operation that can be construed as “pirating”.
11. Cyber bullying will not be tolerated and if necessary will be turned over to law enforcement.

Membership Status

1. Membership status shall consist of one of three designations: Active Member, Retired Member, or Inactive Member.
2. To maintain Active Member status an individual must attend at least one operation or one unit meeting per month.
3. If an individual is unable to meet the Active Member requirements and wishes to remain designated as Active they must submit a Leave Of Absence.
4. Individuals who fail to meet the Active Member status requirements as well as fail to submit a LOA shall be designated as an Inactive Member. A member deemed inactive on more than two occasions within six months shall be discharged from PHXCONSULT.
5. Inactive Members have 1 month to return to Active Member status.
6. Inactive Members who fail to return to Active Member status at the expiration of the allotted time period shall be discharged from the unit by the DO in accordance with the “Disciplinary Action” section of this document.
7. The DO is the sole authority capable of designating a Member as Inactive or re-designating them as Active.

Leave of Absence

1. A member that is unable to attend unit meetings, official operations, required trainings, or other official events shall submit a Leave of Absence. In the event of an extended leave, the member shall submit start and end dates as applicable. Members shall update long-term LOA’s as necessary.

2. A member holding a leadership position within the command structure submitting an LOA exceeding a period of time of 30 days shall relinquish his/her command position.

3. In the event that a unit Lead (Operator 3 or above) submits an LOA exceeding 3 weeks but not to exceed 6 weeks, said Operator shall designate an interim replacement for the term of their leave. A Leave Of Absence exceeding six weeks shall result in the relinquishment of said individual’s command. In such an event, the DO shall designate a suitable interim Lead until a new Lead can be selected by the DO.



A member is eligible for Retirement membership status upon completion of:
a) completing six months of service as an active member; and
b) maintaining membership in good standing; and
c) application for Retirement status to the DO is submitted and accepted.

Retiree Privileges Include:
a) Ability to participate in unit meetings and activities when accommodations allow; and
b) The ability to wear PHXCONSULT Tags and Ranks with [Retired] status; and
c) Customs and courtesies entitled to their designated retirement rank.

Retiree Limitations:
a) Retirees shall not be granted active member status; and
b) Retirees shall not be listed on any active combat roster; and
c) Retirees shall not be allowed to vote; and
d) TeamSpeak privileges will be limited to Retirement Status abilities only (see TS3 Privileges).

Unit Meetings

1. Meetings of the membership will occur weekly, as determined by the membership.
2. Meetings will be conducted in official format. .
3. Members are to conduct themselves in a respectable manner.


Official PHXCONSULT operations are a fun and exciting part of the PHXCONSULT. Operations traditionally occur following the weekly membership meeting. The following are the rules for official operations:
1. All Client Contracts are to be honored upon issuance of receipt for 1/3 contracted payment.
2. Operators assigned to the contract will never waiver or capitulate with the terms of the contract.
3. Clients who contract with PHXCONSULT must provide all relevant/pertinent information in detail prior to contract acceptance.
4. Operators will show respect for and loyalty to their assigned task, the client’s requirements and all of the above SOPs.

Disciplinary Actions

1. Violation of the above standards will result in consequences. Consequences include: —suspension from PHXCONSULT Operations —suspension from the PHXCONSULT TS Server
2. PHXCONSULT DO/DDO will preside over disciplinary issues.
3. All members will be entitled to appeal any disciplinary actions. If necessary, a secondary committee will be designated to hear an appeal. The secondary committee would be disbanded at the conclusion of the appeal.
—-This section open to amendment.