The Principality of Baal / POB

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Freelancing

PoB is a community that had its start in the now defunct 40k lobby shooter Eternal Crusade.

Having been around for 7 years, we are a diverse bunch of adults that love scifi and the like.

If you wish to join our discord go to


The Principality of Baal was founded when our home system was destroyed. Baal Primus’ orbit drew it closer to our sun Alpan and became eradiated making it uninhabitable. In our desperation we left the home world and colonised a local moon and asteroid cluster. This became Baal Secundus, then the blight came, the locusts, the Vanduul. Our new home was ravaged, countless lives lost in its gallant defence, all to no avail and it fell to the alien.

The survivors begged the UEE for aid and all that was offered was a relocation programme. A programme that would see Baals remaining people scattered to the corners of the verse.
No, no this could not come to pass, the UEE had abandoned us to our fate seeing us as nothing more than the bottom line of a tax record. So we decided that we would break from the unreasonable, totalitarian control of the UEE.

We saw through their propaganda and distanced ourselves. Despite hardships we have not yielded. We have been reforged and tempered with an unbreakable, unshakeable will to live and survive. We will we never return to the UEE, we will be completely free. We shall edge into the dark, bringing the beacon of humanity’s light, and become a self-sufficient colony.

We are nomads. We move from system to system searching for our new home. Our view is “The end justifies the means”. This allows us to be open to nearly every opportunity we run across.

We do not require a strict moral code. Rather, we encourage you to take advantage of any opportunities that comes your way. We will, no matter the cost, establish another Baal. Meaning that by joining us you will become a part of our history for as long as the Baalite people breathe.

Welcome brothers and sisters to freedom.


The Principality of Baal will be involved in all elements of star citizen. So whatever your desired game play you will find like minded players here, we first and foremost are here to have fun so banter and messing around will happen. We are more than happy to help newer players make their way in the verse.

Our overall goal is to create an outpost and or space station that will be a free neutral place for trade, medical, mining and research.
Whether it’s lawful or unlawful our dream of creating a colony will be open to all. A Switzerland of the stars if you prefer.

We run weekly events in the verse usually being Saturdays and Sundays as we gather more members this will increase with set nights for specific aspects for example mining night (which will require traders and security forces). All comms are run through our discord server.

In short we want to create a community that while not necessarily be all on the same side, but will pull together to create a free self sustaining colony.

We want members that will be active but not just in the game, but with the group overall.

Like the Sun, Baal to shall rise again!


CHARTER: 18+ only 1. Respect – Respect leadership. – Respect your fellow members. – Respect that people have their own opinions, and don’t discriminate. – Don’t post NSFW – Don’t post about politics/religion. (Discussions can be had in voice, but keep them civil) – No soliciting/linking of other discords(without the Princept ‘s permission)

2.Real Life 1st -We are all adults, and here to play games and share our interests. But if life comes calling, don’t hesitate to let leadership know and go deal with it. We will still be here. -The community will welcome you back with a Mug of Ale!

If you wear our tags (PoB, TST) ingame, you represent our community, so conduct yourself in way that brings honor to our name.