Polaris Research Organization / POLARISRO

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Engineering

Polaris Research Organization specializes in mapping, understanding, and exploiting the universe.


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The Polaris Research Organization serves to explore the universe and to use what we find. Our research is always performed within the law; it does not involve illegal activities and is not stolen from others. Conversely, we will not tolerate individuals or groups stealing our research. Our ships are usually at least lightly armed in order to protect our assets. We will not attack without provocation, but we are not helpless.


Members of the Polaris Research Organization must abide by UEE law. Any members found directly breaking the law will be immediately removed from the P.R.O. While discouraged, soliciting others outside the P.R.O. to perform illegal activities will not result in immediate removal unless:
1. The illegal activity is claimed to be for the benefit of the P.R.O. rather than for personal benefit or is otherwise connected to the P.R.O. by anything except association.
2. The activity (in this case, assassination or something similar) is performed on another member of the P.R.O.
Members of the P.R.O. are not required to report crimes that fall within the P.R.O. rules, but they are not discouraged from doing so.