Polaris Space Industries / POLARSPACE

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Resources

Polaris Space Industries: Providing an organization where like minded industrialists, combat pilots and entrepreneurs can band together to work towards common goals.

We are currently recruiting, please see our recruitment section for further information.


Polaris Space Industries was formed in the year 2937 after a meeting between feuding local Captains and Businessmen decided that unity and cooperation were more beneficial than competition and violence. The organisation thrived and built itself into a major power, capable of influencing the local area and expanded its operations to cover a wider area of influence.

This seemingly unstoppable rise to power was halted when the growth was seen as a threat by a larger and more established organisation. This organisation set about doing everything within its power to halt their expansion.

A vicious conflict erupted that lasted for many months. Ships were destroyed, assets lost and lives ended. Both sides took heavy losses as both fought ferociously for victory. A decision was made to try to agree a truce between the organisations. In 2942 the two sides met in a neutral location to try and thrash out terms of mutual surrender. After much debate, the Polaris leadership pressured by their members, who were tired of the conflict, decided to disband and go their separate ways in an effort to save lives and end the conflict.

A few members of Polaris did not want to fully disband so they moved to a new area of the galaxy and started the re-building process. They set to work in an effort to restore Polaris Space Enterprises to its former glory…


Polaris space industries aim is to rise again from the ashes of its once prosperous organization, to be the name on everyone’s lips when they think of a supplier for everything from ship shields to nutrient packs to mass driver ammo. Our primary aim is building a massive portfolio of products and production lines.

Above all we intend to have fun whilst we work towards this goal, and as such we actively encourage all other professions on the correct side of the law.


As a member of Polaris Space Industries you will be expected to not take part in piracy or harassment of another citizen. You will also be expected to work as a team with fellow organization members where ever possible with the purpose of helping to grow and expand the organizations assets, influence and wealth. We actively encourage people to partake in legal engagements wherever you feel comfortable (combat missions and bounty hunting for example) as we expect all members to be combat ready if the need arises.

As a member of Polaris you will be polite and courteous when communicating with others so as to maintain a professional stance and a level of integrity expected of a prestigious organization such as ourselves.