Proscribe / PROSCRIBE

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

Welcome to the Proscribe home page.

For Recruitment, please contact either Enochsend or King Koopa
To file a complaint, stick your hand in a jar full of barbed wire.

Thank you, Have a pleasant evening


Proscribe was originally a bounty hunter coalition in 2127. They were an elite group who took the bounties that no other hunters would dare to chase. The original team consisted of five hunters. Jim, code-named King Koopa, was the leader and tactician of the group. William, code-named Enoch’s End, was a brilliant scientist, and a master of both technical gadgets, and long range assassinations. The third member was Jim’s prized enforcer, and brother, Michael. He went by the code-name Mac. If somebody owed the team money, they sure as hell didn’t escape payments for long, Mac was very brutal and swift with his work. The fourth hunter in the group was Wayne, he went by the handle Sarge. Sarge’s name was feared across the globe. Sarge had the strength of a locomotive. He was the most feared martial artist of his time, and an unstoppable killing machine. And the last, and most certainly least, of the original hunters was named Robert. Robert used the code-name Logic, although he was dumber than a sack of rocks. He attempted to sell out the team of hunters to an agent of the UEE. His message was intercepted by William, who then sent a reply, posing as an agent to get Logic to a meeting point to “receive his reward”. Upon Logic’s arrival, his happy mood was ended by Mac’s boot to his face. When Logic awoke, Mac’s torture sessions began…No trace of Logic has been found to this day.

In 2138, Mac took on a contract without Jim’s knowledge. Little did Mac know, that his mark was a UEE Lieutenant. Mac was good at what he did. But he was usually sloppy about it. The navy investigated, and discovered who the murderer was. Mac was no match for the platoon sent to his home. He managed to send out a distress signal to Jim when he noticed the approach of the navy, however Jim was himself, out on business, and could not make it to Mac’s house in time to save him. William wanted to try a cryogenic experiment on Mac, but during the autopsy, realized that Mac’s brain had become extremely damaged in the firefight, and was therefore useless to him.

In 2142, Jim was fatally wounded on a contract. He barely managed to make it back to the home base alive. When William saw his condition, he proposed a plan. William would kill Jim, and place his brain into his cryogenic system and set the computer to continually scan for when stable human-like bodies are being constructed, as to create a body for Jim’s brain. William and Sarge would join Jim on the cryogenic journey into the future.

As the Years passed, Jim awoke in a brand new body…William and Sarge were still in the cryogenic vats…something must have malfunctioned. Upon leaving the lab, Jim found the world much different than it had been left…
It is time to learn some new skills…and collect some new bounties.


