Polaris / PTC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Social

A good deed is worth the punishment.


Established in 2940, by former Commander Ayenn Destiny of the Free Terran Aerospace Militia, Polaris was first registered as the Polaris Trading Company. His vision for PTC was to create an interlaced mesh of explorers, miners, salvagers, and traders. The concept for PTC was to quickly exploit raw resources discovered by PTC’s exploration element, harvested by it’s miners and salvages, and taken to ideal markets buy it’s traders.

On the 5th of October, 2945 Vega II changed PTC’s direction. Renaming the organization as simply “Polaris”, PTC changed into something very diffrent. Polaris became a semi-militant S&R operation. It’s organizational objective was to render assistance to civilian populations that were in threat of Vanduul invasion under a charter of and with financial backing of the United Earth Empire.

At the beginning of the Vanduul war there were nearly 400 members of Polaris. Through operations that included populous evacuations, combat escorts of cargo ships carrying vital supplies, refugee colony construction, emergency space station assembly, and medical aid efforts Polaris recived numerous commendations and suffered heavy personnel losses. By the end of the formal Vanduul conflict Polaris had been reduced to 27 souls.

It is from there Polaris, once again, began a new. Now Polaris, under the guidence of a newly recognized Colonel Ayenn Destiny and his seasoned command staff, reformed as a collective of war hardened entrepreneurs always willing to lend a hand, wrench, blaster, or offer aid first to it’s membership and then those in need.

(This is a fictionalized retelling of events from previous MMOs Polaris has manifested in)


In development


In development.